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The following list represents the 250 appearances of Booster Gold outside of discernable character continuity in comic books published or permitted by DC Comics. In addition to non-canon stories, this list includes pinups, biographical entries, product placement, and cover appearances. The list is presented in order of publication but can be sorted alphabetically by title by clicking on the column titles below.

September 1986
Biographical Entry
Special 1986
Does Not Appear
Summer 1987
August 1987
Biographical Entry
September 1987
Biographical Entry
October 1987
Biographical Entry
November 1987
“Second Thoughts”
November 1987
Biographical Entry
December 1987
“Wish You Were Here...”
December 1987
Biographical Entry
January 1988
“Hell is Where the Heart Is...”
March 1988
March 1988
March 1988
May 1988
May 1988
“Hammer and Tong”
September 1988
“The Human Zoo”
September 1988
Biographical Entry
October 1988
“Through the Mask”
October 1988
“Grassroots Hero”
November 1988
Cover Art Only
November 1988
Biographical Entry
December 1988
“Comings and Goings”
January 1989
“Be It Ever So Humble”
September 1989
“I Sing the Body Elastic”
September 1989
“No More Teachers' Dirty Looks...?!”
June 1990
Cover Art Only
August 1990
“Maximum Force”
August 1990
Biographical Entry
September 1990
Biographical Entry
October 1990
Cover Art Only
November 1990
Biographical Entry
December 1990
Biographical Entry
January 1991
Cover Art Only
January 1991
Biographical Entry
February 1991
Biographical Entry
May 1991
May 1991
“Execution 2001”
June 1991
“Red Glass, Part Two: Falling Apart”
October 1991
“Mad Dogs and Americans”
November 1991
“Days of Thunder Lizards”
November 1991
“The Center Cannot Hold”
Annual 1991
“Family Business”
September 1992
“Kismet: The Road Not Taken”
September 1992
“Where's Irwin?”
December 1992
Biographical Entry
January 1993
Public Service Announcement
January 1993
Biographical Entry
February 1993
Public Service Announcement
Flash v2 #87
February 1994
Public Service Announcement
Superboy v3 #1
February 1994
Public Service Announcement
June 1994
August 1994
“Zero Hour”
Annual 1994
“Attack of the O Squad”
Annual 1994
“No Rules To Follow”
May 1995
June 1995
“Chasing Ghosts”
December 1995
Does Not Appear
The Ray v2 #26
August 1996
“Time and Tempest, Book 2: Messiah”
October 1996
“The Alliance”
Special 1996
JLA #6
June 1997
“Fire in the Sky”
JLA #8
August 1997
“Imaginary Stories”
September 1997
“The Roll Call: JLA”
July 1998
“Girls' Day Out”
August 1998
“Secrets of the JLA Trophy Room”
September 1998
“Brightest Light”
Chase #1000000
November 1998
“Don't Believe It!”
November 1998
Biographical Entry
April 1999
“Through the Hourglass”
August 1999
“The Age of Crisis on Infinite Clones Saga”
Superboy v3 #65
August 1999
“Hyper Tension!: Epilogue: Out of Hyper-Time!”
November 2000
“Power Lost”
November 2000
“Last Imp Standing!”
December 2000
“Incarnations of the JLA: Justice League International”
December 2000
“Fallen Angels”
January 2001
“The Fires”
February 2001
“World Without Superman”
Summer 2001
“Bizarro X-Ray Two”
November 2001
“Time and Punishment”
September 2002
“Out of Our Heads, Part Two”
September 2003
“A Journey into Mystery”
November 2003
“Strange Adventures”
November 2003
Biographical Entry
November 2003
December 2003
Biographical Entry
January 2004
Cover Art Only
April 2005
“Hero Hunters Part Four: She Rides the Eye of a Hurricane”
JLA #119
Late November 2005
“Crisis of Conscience: Conclusion”
Wonder Woman v2 #226
April 2006
“Cover Date”
October 2006
Cover Art Only
52 #24
October 2006
“The Origin of Booster Gold”
52 #25
October 2006
Cover Art Only
November 2006
“The Tornado's Path, Chapter Two: Tornado-Red/Tornado-Blue”
52 #34
December 2006
“Suicidal Tendencies”
January 2007
Cover Art Only
Early April 2007
“The 4th Parallel, Part 2B: Worlds Apart”
Late April 2007
“The 4th Parallel, Part 2C: Torrential Reign”
May 2007
“The Tornado's Path Epilogue: Roll Call”
June 2007
“Architecture & Mortality, Part Seven”
July 2007
“History of the Multiverse, Chapter Seven”
July 2007
“History of the Multiverse, Chapter Eight”
July 2007
“History of the Multiverse, Chapter Nine”
October 2007
Cover Art Only
October 2007
“The Lords of Luck, Chapter Six: The Girl Who Knew Too Much”
Early December 2007
“The Ghosts of Mars Part Three: Run, Man, Run”
December 2007
“The Origin of Mr. Mind”
January 2008
“What Price Paradise?”
January 2008
“Splitting the Atom”
April 2008
Catwoman v2 #77
May 2008
“Waking Up On The Wrong Side Of The Universe: Part 3”
May 2008
“History Lesson: Chapter One”
June 2008
“My Dad's a Hero”
September 2008
“Superman's Reign: Chapter Five”
October 2008
“Five Million Elvis Impersonators Can't Be Wrong!”
November 2008
“Unhinged Part One: At the Point of Puncture”
December 2008
December 2008
“Not On My Watch”
December 2008
“The Empress, the Chariot and Judgment”
January 2009
“A Better World”
January 2009
“The Depths Beyond the Depths”
February 2009
Cover Art Only
February 2009
“Metropolis/The Power You Deserve”
March 2009
January 2010
“He Primed Me, Part One: Spoiler Alert”
February 2010
“He Primed Me, Part Two: Flame War”
February 2010
“The Centre Cannot Hold”
Late June 2010
December 2010
Supergirl v5 #57
December 2010
“This Am the Way the (Bizarro) World Ends”
Power Girl v3 #20
March 2011
“Beasts of Burden”
September 2011
“Eclipso Rising: Part Six”
February 2012
“Danger Squared!”
Late March 2012
“The War Begins”
Early April 2012
April 2012
“By The Light...”
Late April 2012
“Collateral Damage”
Early May 2012
July 2012
“Endless Rot”
November 2012
“Sky Witness”
December 2012
“All of the Above”
January 2013
“Enter the House of Mystery”
June 2013
“Haunted, Chapter 4”
July 2013
June 2014
August 2014
“All Together Now”
September 2014
September 2014
“World War i”
September 2014
October 2014
“Gut Feelints”
October 2014
Cover Art Only
February 2015
“Continuity, Part 1”
April 2015
May 2015
“The Brains of the Operation”
May 2015
Cover Art Only
June 2015
Biographical Entry
June 2015
August 2015
Cover Art Only
November 2015
January 2016
Cover Art Only
July 2016
June 2018
October 2018
November 2018
“Harley Quinn Destroys DC Continuity”
November 2018
January 2019
“Lost Boys”
January 2019
“The Birds of Christmas Past, Present and Future”
March 2019
“Escape From Old York”
The Flash v3 #65
April 2019
“The Price, Part 4 of 4: The Price of Loyalty”
Superman v5 #9
May 2019
“The Unity Saga: The House of El, Part 3”
August 2019
“Detroit City Blues”
September 2019
“The Miracle”
September 2019
“A Good Day To Die”
December 2019
Cover Art Only
December 2019
“The Grand Finale of the Trials of Harley Quinn”
December 2019
“Justice/Doom War: Part 5”
January 2020
“Crisis Killer”
April 2020
“The Kandor Compromise, Part One”
The Flash v3 #750
May 2020
“Flash Forward: Epilogue”
September 2020
“The Return”
Special 2020
“Twas the Night”
March 2021
“Future State: Black Adam: Chapter Two: The End of the Beginning”
May 2021
“The Other History of the DC Universe Book Three: 1983-1996”
August 2021
“X Marks the Spot”
September 2021
“No Exit!”
October 2021
“Infinite Betrayal”
November 2021
Cover Art Only
January 2022
Cover Art Only
January 2022
“When We Are Born”
January 2022
“We Cry”
March 2022
“Lost in the Worlds”
Nightwing v4 #88
March 2022
“Get Grayson, Act Two”
June 2022
Cover Art Only
July 2022
“Who Are the Justice League?”
July 2022
“Booster's Day Out”
July 2022
Cover Art Only
July 2022
“The Gold Lantern Saga: Part Three”
September 2022
“The Clockwork Killer, Chapter Three: The Secret of the Super-Man”
September 2022
Cover Art Only
December 2022
Cover Art Only
January 2023
February 2023
“The Director, Part 1”
February 2023
Cover Art Only
Nightwing v4 #99
February 2023
“Power Vacuum, Part 3”
March 2023
“Graduation Day, Chapter Three”
March 2023
“Dating App Disaster”
March 2023
Cover Art Only
Nightwing v4 #100
March 2023
Cover Art Only
April 2023
April 2023
Cover Art Only
April 2023
“Book Three”
May 2023
“The Joker”
June 2023
“Hyena Anxiety”
November 2023
“Super Is as Super Does”
November 2023
“Scarab War, Chapter One”
December 2023
“Heir to the Kingdom, Chapter One: The Golden Calf”
Special 2023
“The Life of Superman”
January 2024
“Heir to the Kingdom, Chapter Two: Doppelgangers”
February 2024
“Heir to the Kingdom, Chapter Three: The Gospel of Gog”
March 2024
“Heir to the Kingdom, Chapter Four: The Will and the Way”
March 2024
“Pit Stop”
March 2024
“Part 5”
May 2024
Superman v6 #13
June 2024
“House of Brainiac, Part 2: Last Sons”



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SPOILER WARNING: The content at may contain story spoilers for DC Comics publications.