“The Depths Beyond the Depths”
Volume 1, Issue 34, January 2009
Released January 21, 2009
Cover Price: $2.99
Guide Price: $3.00 (as of 2011)
Estimated Issue Sales: 37,921
Writer: Kurt Busiek
Penciller: Mark Bagley
Inker: Art Thibert
Colorist: Pete Pantazis
Letterer: Pat Brousseau
Assistant Editor: Rachel Gluckstern
Editor: Michael Carlin
Cover Description: Batman overlooks several heroes and villains in hand-to-hand combat. (No Booster Gold.)
Booster Gold's role in this story:
Cameo (Booster Gold makes a minor appearance)
Costume Worn: MARK I.v2 power-suit
Issue Notes: Booster Gold does not appear in this issue, though an alternate reality counterpart does.
Page 4, panel 2
ALTERNATE REALITY: Booster Gold joins a number of other heroes as a member of the new Justice Arcana. While this Booster and his powers appear superficially similar to the Booster Gold whose adventures are chronicled on this site, these events take place in an alternate reality where Booster's history has been significantly altered.
Booster's position in the Justice Arcana is indicated to be "The Devil." This card is typically interpreted as a dependence on material goods or wealth over spiritual or moral growth. Few DC Universe heroes could fill the role better than Booster Gold.
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