The following list represents the 246 supporting characters Booster Gold has encountered. Notes on methodology for the entries can be found here.
First Appearance: Booster Gold, Vol. 1, #1, 1986
First Meeting with Booster Gold: Booster Gold #2, 1986
Encounters with Booster Gold: 4
Skip Andrews is the publisher of Blaze Comics comic books. Popular Blaze titles include Astro Teens, Commander Courage, and of course Booster Gold.
Skip Andrews contacted DIRK DAVIS about licensing Booster Gold for a Blaze Comic book based on the hero's adventures. Skip eventually assigned his star artist and writer, Benny and Marty respectively, to production of Booster Gold's comic adaptation. Benny and Marty were later kidnapped and killed by the 1000 (see DIRECTOR OF DEATH) for information that they had on Booster Gold.
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