Action Comics
“Super Is as Super Does”
Volume 1, Issue 1057, November 2023
Released September 26, 2023
Cover Price: $4.99

Writer: Magdalene Visaggio
Artist: Matthew Clark
Colorist: Matt Herms
Letterer: Rob Leigh
Assistant Editor: Jillian Grant
Editor: Paul Kaminski
Cover Description: A montage of the Super Family (and foes) in action. (No Booster Gold.)
Brief Synopsis: Booster Gold is seen in Superboy's memories of Superman's wake.
Booster Gold's role in this story:
Cameo (Booster Gold makes a minor appearance)
Costume Worn: MARK I.v2 power-suit
Story Notes: Booster Gold does not appear in this issue except as a figment of Superboy's (imperfect) memory.
Page 36, panel 1
ALTERNATE REALITY: As Miss Martian journeys into Superboy's mind, they encounter a memory of what Superboy claims is Superman's memorial service. The many heroes seen are indeed wearing costumes appropriate to the era when Superman was laid to rest in Superman: The Man of Steel #20. However, the statue clearly represents Superboy. (A Superboy statue was erected beside the Superman statue in Metropolis' Centennial Park following the Boy of Steel's death, as first seen in 52 Week One, but that statue depicted a different costume and pose.) While Booster Gold was indeed present on both occasions, Blue Beetle was present at neither (because he was in a coma and dead, respectively). Also not present at either event: Superboy. The first event took place before his debut and the second... well, not many people attend their own memorial service. Therefore this entire "memory" should be considered a fabrication of Superboy's imagination.
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