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Buy Booster Gold

Wonder Woman


Volume 6, Issue 7, May 2024
Released March 19, 2024

Cover Price: $4.99

Wonder Woman, Vol. 6, #7. Image © DC Comics



Writer: Tom King
Artist: Guillem March
Colorist: Arif Prianto
Letterer: Clayton Cowles
Assistant Editor: Chris Rosa
Editors: Brittany Holzherr, Paul Kaminski

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Cover Description: This book has several covers. Booster Gold appears on none of them.

Brief Synopsis: Superman and Wonder Woman go shopping for Batman's birthday gift at an intergalactic shopping mall.

Booster Gold's role in this story:
None (Booster Gold does not appear in this story)

Costume Worn: MARK I.v2 power-suit

Issue Notes: Booster Gold does not appear in this issue; a poster of Booster Gold does. (Appearance noted by Rasalonn.)

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Image Copyright DC Comics

Page 24, panel 4
PRODUCT PLACEMENT: Booster Gold appears in a poster advertising his autobiography, Good as Gold, in the window of a bookstore at the Andromeda Mall, "the largest shopping complex in the known universe" located in space sector 2814. Although a handwritten sign advertises that Booster Gold will be on site to sign his book "today only," Booster is not seen in the issue.

There are several interesting things happening in this panel, not the least is the Droste effect of infinite recursion in the poster featuring the book cover in which Booster holds a copy of the same book cover and in that copy another copy, etc. Also, the full name of the store is not clear, but common spreadsheet programs that store dates as number of days since the turn of the 20th century convert "40113" to October 27, 2009.

Also, it's worth mentioning that in a previous story written by Tom King titled "The Gift" beginning in Batman Volume 3 #45, Booster Gold, like Superman and Wonder Woman here, also struggled to find the perfect gift for Batman. Booster's solution was to give Batman the gift of never having his parents killed. It makes since that neither Superman nor Wonder Woman would want to remind Batman of that disaster.

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