Dark Crisis
“Who Are the Justice League?”
Volume 1, Issue 0, July 2022
Released May 7, 2022
Cover Price: 0¢
Writer: Joshua Williamson
Artist: Jim Cheung
Colorist: Jay David Ramos
Assistant Editor: Chris Rosa
Editor: Paul Kaminski
Cover Description: Wonder Woman, Superman, and Batman pose in front of their successors, Yara, Jon Kent, and Luke Fox. (No Booster Gold.)
Brief Synopsis: Clayface breaks into the Hall of Justice and is confronted by the Flash.
Booster Gold's role in this story:
Cameo (Booster Gold makes a minor appearance)
Costume Worn: MARK I.v2 power-suit
Issue Notes: This issue is a Free Comic Book Day giveaway that also contains a preview of Dark Crisis #1. In the issue indicia, its official title is Dark Crisis #0 FCBD Special Edition 2022.
Story Notes: Booster Gold appears in this issue only in a flashback to past incarnations of the Justice League and a flash forward hint about who might be in future leagues.
Page 3, panel 1
Booster Gold is seen alongside members of the 2006 Justice League of America. Booster's headshot here was originally created by Ed Benes, Maria Benes, and Alex Sinclair for the second printing cover of Justice League of America #1.
Page 10, panel 1
Booster Gold is seen again in the Flash's vision about who might be in a future lineup of the Justice League.
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