Dark Crisis
“The Justice League Is Dead”
Volume 1, Issue 1, Annual 2022
Released June 7, 2022
Cover Price: $5.99
Writer: Joshua Williamson
Artist: Daniel Sampere
Colorist: Alejandro Sanchez
Letterer: Tom Napolitano
Assistant Editor: Chris Rosa
Editor: Paul Kaminski
Cover Artists: Daniel Sampere, Alejandro Sanchez
Heroes: Aquaman II, Batgirl II, Batgirl III, Batwoman II, Beast Boy, Big Barda, Black Adam, Black Lightning, Blue Beetle II, Blue Beetle III, Booster Gold, Bratgirl, Chupacabra, Crush, Cyborg, Doctor Light IV, Donna Troy, Dove II, Flash III, Frankenstein, Gold, Gorilla Gregg, Harley Quinn, Hawk, Iron, Jessica Cruz, Killer Frost III, Lead, Mercury, Metamorpho, Mister Miracle, Naomi, Nightwing II, Plastic Man, Platinum, Raven VI, Red Tornado, Robin III, Robin V, Roundhouse, Sideways, Signal, Sojourner Mullein, Starfire III, Stitch, Superboy III, Supergirl V, Superman II, Tin, Wonder Girl II, Wonder Twins
Setting: Washington, DC, USA, 21st-century
Cover Description: This issue has several covers. Booster Gold appears on the back side of the wraparound Cover A by Daniel Sampere and Alejandro Sanchez.
Brief Synopsis: In the wake of the death of the Justice League at the hands of Pariah, Superman's son Jon assembles a new League.
Booster Gold's role in this story:
Supporting (Booster Gold plays a lesser role)
Costume Worn: MARK I.v2 power-suit
Reprint Notes: The second printing of this book uses the same wraparound cover with the title reading "Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths." The third printing of this book uses the same wraparound cover with the title reading "Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths" in the style of the original Crisis on Infinite Earths mini-series.
Page 2, panel 1
Booster Gold is seen in flashback as Nightwing describes the generational legacies of the heroes of the DC Universe. Though Booster Gold is not considered a legacy hero, much of his origin story was built on a foundation of Superman's Silver Age adventures.
Page 4, panel 1
Booster Gold is one of many, many heroes in attendance for Nightwing's twilight dedication of the statues of the fallen Justice League on the steps of the Washington D.C. Hall of Justice. Other identifiable heroes in attendance are Aquaman II, Batgirls (Cassie Cain and Stephanie Brown), Batwoman, Beast Boy, Big Barda, Black Lightning, Blue Beetles (Ted Kord and Jaime Reyes), Bratgirl, Chupacabra, Crush, Cyborg, Doctor Light, Donna Troy, Dove, Flash, Gorilla Gregg, Green Lanterns Jessica Cruz and Sojourner Mullein, Hawk, Metal Men (Gold, Lead, Mercury, Platinum, Tin), Metamorpho, Mister Miracle, Naomi, Nightwing, Plastic Man, Raven, Red Tornado, Robins (Damien Wayne and Tim Drake), Roundhouse, Sideways, Signal, Starfire, Stitch, Superboy, Supergirl, Superman II, Wonder Girl, and the Wonder Twins.
Page 24, panel 1
Boosterrific Review: Maybe I've been reading comics too long, but I'm having a hard time being excited about yet *another* event story with explicit origins in the nearly 40-year-old Crisis on Infinite Earths (especially when history has taught me that DC is only going to roll back whatever status quo changes this event makes to whatever passes for continuity these days). That said, the characterization is good and the art is even better. So maybe this will grow on me. I certainly like Booster's role so far (even if he doesn't say a single word in this issue).
Boosterrific Rating: Worth Its Weight In Gold.
SPOILER WARNING: The content at Boosterrific.com may contain story spoilers for DC Comics publications.
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