The Ray
“Time and Tempest, Book 2: Messiah”
Volume 2, Issue 26, August 1996
Released June 19, 1996
Cover Price: $2.25

Writer: Christopher Priest
Penciller: Jason Armstrong
Inker: Drew Geraci
Colorist: James Sinclair
Letterer: Kevin Cunningham
Assistant Editor: Alisande Morales
Editor: Brian Augustyn
Cover Description: The light and dark personas of the Ray circle one another, creating a Yin and Yang symbol. (No Booster Gold.)
Brief Synopsis: Trapped in an alternate reality, the Ray investigates his personal demons.
Booster Gold's role in this story:
Cameo (Booster Gold makes a minor appearance)
Costume Worn: MARK IV armored power-suit
Issue Notes: Booster Gold appears in a brief flashback to the "Day of Judgment" storyline.
Page 3, panel 7
ALTERNATE REALITY: Booster Gold appears in a flashback to the Justice League era immediately following the "Death of Superman." This flashback is seen in an alternate universe, where Booster Gold's Mark I powersuit was presumably not destroyed by Doomsday before the Ray joined the League.
Page 6, panel 2
Booster Gold appears in another alternate reality flashback, this time wearing a costume that looks much more like his Mark IV powersuit.
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