Justice League
Cover Art Only
Volume 3, Issue 68, November 2021
Released September 28, 2021
Cover Price: $4.99

Cover Description: Present and past members of the Justice League (including Booster Gold) pose in front of the Hall of Justice.
Brief Synopsis: The Justice League moves from one crisis (alien invasion) to another (Deathstroke).
Booster Gold's role in this story:
None (Booster Gold does not appear in this story)
Costume Worn: MARK I.v2 power-suit
Issue Notes: Booster Gold does not appear in this issue, only on the standard cover (Cover A) by David Marquez.
Page 1, panel 1
Picking up immediately where the previous issue left off, the Justice League stands against the United Order. Booster Gold was present for this scene in the previous issue, but is nowhere to be seen here. (He is not the only hero gone missing; Vixen and Blue Devil are also missing in action. Could the explanation for the absences be attributed to a change of artists? Previous issues were drawn by Phil Hester.)
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