Batman Superman: World's Finest
“Heir to the Kingdom, Chapter One: The Golden Calf”
Volume 1, Issue 20, December 2023
Released October 17, 2023
Cover Price: $3.99

Writer: Mark Waid
Artist: Dan Mora
Colorist: Tamra Bonvillain
Letterer: Steve Wands
Assistant Editor: Rebecca Bohanan
Editor: Paul Kaminski
Cover Description: The Batman and Superman of Earth-0 and Earth-22 are seen. (No Booster Gold.)
Brief Synopsis: The Batman and Superman of Earth-0 travel to Earth-22 in search of the missing Boy Thunder.
Booster Gold's role in this story:
None (Booster Gold does not appear in this story)
Costume Worn: MARK I.v2 power-suit
Issue Notes: Booster Gold does not appear in this issue (on any multiversal world), but a poster of him does.
This story has been reprinted in:
Batman Superman: World's Finest Volume 4: Return to Kingdom Come (2024)
Page 14, panel 2
ALTERNATE REALITY: The Batman and Superman of Earth-0 find a poster of Booster Gold hanging inside the Planet Krypton theme restaurant in Metropolis of Earth-22. (Earth-22 Booster is depicted in his collarless Mark 1.2 powersuit despite having only ever been previously seen with a collar.) Their comments reveal they are unfamiliar with Booster, indicating that they come from sometime in the past, prior to Booster Gold's arrival in the 20th century. This is Booster's only "appearance" in this issue.
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