“The Origin of Booster Gold”
Volume 1, Issue 24, October 2006
Released October 18, 2006
Cover Price: $2.50
Estimated Issue Sales: 107,364
Writers: Geoff Johns, Grant Morrison, Greg Rucka, Mark Waid
Pencillers: Keith Giffen, Phil Jimenez, Dan Jurgens
Inker: Andy Lanning
Colorist: David Baron
Letterer: Pat Brousseau
Assistant Editors: Harvey Richards, Jeanine Schaefer
Editor: Stephen Wacker
Cover Description: From left to right, Bulleteer, Firehawk, Firestorm VI, Ambush Bug, and Super-Chief II pose before an American flag. (No Booster Gold.)
Brief Synopsis: The Justice League is reborn in an all-new, all-different line-up.
Booster Gold's role in this story:
Featured (Booster Gold plays a prominent role)
Costume Worn: MARK I.v2 power-suit
Issue Notes: Booster Gold appears in this issue only as seen in a retelling of his origin -- as an "excerpt from the Justice League archives" -- by creator Dan Jurgens.
This story has been reprinted in:
52 Omnibus (2012)
Booster Gold: Blue and Gold (2008)
52 Volume 2 (2007)
Boosterrific Review: This issue is primarily concerned with the brief and disastrous adventures of the newly-reformed Justice League. Since it is nearly impossible to tell a good Justice League story without the Martian Manhunter, the Manhunter is also featured in this issue as he makes a dramatic soliloquy apologizing to Booster Gold in absentia. The issue captures a touching moment that clearly illuminates the role of the Martian Manhunter in the modern DC Universe.
The origin of Booster Gold is re-told in the backup story of the issue. Mark Waid, editor on Booster's extended origin from Secret Origins, Vol. 2, #35, provides this drastically abridged origin story, but not without an assist from Booster's creator, Dan Jurgens. Waid should be commended for his brevity; he provides everything that anyone need know about Booster Gold's past in under two pages, setting a foundation for 21st century readers to relate to the character born in the 1980s.
Boosterrific Rating: Gold Standard.
SPOILER WARNING: The content at Boosterrific.com may contain story spoilers for DC Comics publications.
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