Plastic Man Special
“The Age of Crisis on Infinite Clones Saga”
Volume 1, Issue 1, August 1999
Released June 2, 1999
Cover Price: $3.95
Guide Price: $4.00 (as of 2011)
Estimated Issue Sales: 22,346
Writer: Ty Templeton
Pencillers: Rick Burchett, Richard Pace
Inkers: Ty Templeton, Walden Wong
Colorist: Chris Chuckry
Letterer: Tim Harkins
Editor: Tony Bedard
Cover Description: Superman implores the reader not to read the issue while the rest of the JLA struggles against Plastic Man in the background. (No Booster Gold.)
Booster Gold's role in this story:
Cameo (Booster Gold makes a minor appearance)
Costume Worn: MARK I power-suit
Issue Notes: Booster Gold makes a one-panel cameo appearance in this humorous, out-of-continuity issue.
Page 37, panel 3
Booster Gold is among the heroes returned to the world following a brief trip into a pocket universe during a battle with the Hall Monitor in this parody of major comic book event stories. This is his only appearance in this issue. (This Booster Gold appearance noted by Shawn Baston.)
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