The following list represents the 363 villains Booster Gold has encountered. Notes on methodology for the entries can be found here.
First Appearance: Green Lantern, Vol. 1, #10, 1943
First Meeting with Booster Gold: Justice League America #88, 1994
Encounters with Booster Gold: 2
The energy of a meteorite striking the Earth turned caveman Vandar Adg II into the immortal Vandal Savage. Savage has long operated behind the scenes, secretly steering the course of human history.
Booster Gold's interaction with Vandal Savage has been extremely limited, only meeting the man face-to-face twice. Each time Savage delivered a message of impending disaster or significant changes to history.
First Meeting with Booster Gold: Secret Six, Vol. 3, #36, 2011
Membership: Catman, Jeanette, Knockout, Scandal Savage
The mercenary group informally known as the Secret Six was originally formed by LEX LUTHOR during the Infinite Crisis event. The team remains together as a freelance mercenary group renowned for their loose morals.
Booster Gold finally crossed paths with the Secret Six when they kidnapped the Penguin (se CRIMINAL EXPATRIATES OF BIALYA) during their crusade against BATMAN.
First Appearance: Secret Society of Super-Villains #1
First Meeting with Booster Gold: Dark Crisis #3, 2022
Membership: Bug-Eyed Bandit, Cheetah, Crazy Quilt, Doctor Phosphorous, Gentleman Ghost, Key, Multiplex, Prometheus, Raptor, Silver Banshee, Skorpio, Typhoon
The Secret Society of Super-Villains is a sort of anti-Justice League, and like the Justice League, it has had many incarnations over the years with different leaders, different memberships, and different goals.
The mercenary Deathstroke (see HEROES OF THE PANIC IN THE SKY) reassembled the Secret Society during the Dark Crisis to aid the Dark Army. Deathstroke's society was opposed by Jonathan Kent's (SUPERMAN) Justice League.
First Meeting with Booster Gold: DC Universe Holiday Special #1, 2009
Membership: Rubenico, Miss Rubenico, Berganza
Over the years several different creatures have challenged the JUSTICE LEAGUE as the Shaggy Man. Each has been defeated, but their indestructible nature has allowed them to return time and again.
Booster Gold came face-to-face with a heavily tranquilized Shaggy Man III during a holiday party thrown by Vixen (see SUICIDE SQUAD) aboard the Justice League's satellite. They sang songs together.
First Appearance: Justice League International, Vol. 3, #1, 2011
First Meeting with Booster Gold: Justice League International, Vol. 3, #1, 2011
Encounters with Booster Gold: 4
Unwitting agents of the mysterious Peraxxus, the Signal Men are a collection of 50-feet-tall robots buried below the surface of the Earth with their artificial guardian rock men.
On his first mission as leader of the new UNITED NATIONS sponsored branch of the JUSTICE LEAGUE, Booster Gold's mettle was tested when the team encountered the mystery of the Signal Men.
First Appearance: Green Lantern, Vol. 2, #7, 1961
First Meeting with Booster Gold: Booster Gold, Vol. 2, #2, 2007
Encounters with Booster Gold: 7
Sinestro was once considered among the best members of the GREEN LANTERN CORPS until it was discovered that he had abused his power to dominate his homeworld of Korugar. Expelled from the Corps, Sinestro has proven to be a powerful foe of the Green Lantern Corps, going so far as founding his own Sinestro Corps to oppose them.
Though a time-traveling Booster Gold met Sinestro before he went rogue, the two still ended up fighting. Booster just has that effect on people.
Booster Gold joined Sinestro Corps members Akrillo, Bedovan, Karu-Sil, Kayb, Maash, Murr the Melting Man, Romat Ru, Slushh, Tekik, and Tri-Eye when the united spectrum of lantern corps (AGENT ORANGE, BLUE LANTERN CORPS, Green Lantern Corps, INDIGO TRIBE, RED LANTERN CORPS, Sinestro Corps, and the Star Sapphires [see STAR SAPPHIRE]) in a desperate bid to save all living things from the BLACK LANTERN CORPS.
First Appearance: Superman, Vol. 1, #301, 1976
First Meeting with Booster Gold: Booster Gold, Vol. 2, #31, 2010
Encounters with Booster Gold: 1
Skull is a criminal organization utilizing the latest in stolen advanced technology. Founded in Metropolis, the organization and its former leader Atomic Skull have often fun afoul of SUPERMAN.
Booster Gold's first encounter with Skull ended disastrously in the death of Chrissy, an innocent bystander.
First Appearance: Green Lantern, Vol. 2, #14, 1961
First Meeting with Booster Gold: Justice League Europe #50, 1993
Encounters with Booster Gold: 2
Modora native Bito Wladon used his Tuning-Fork Gun to battle many of Earth's heroes in his quest for world domination as the villainous Sonar. Eventually he developed the power to use sound to brainwash his opponents, and his schemes became much grander.
Booster Gold's first adventure after losing his powers to DOOMSDAY was alongside the JUSTICE LEAGUE against Sonar, who had taken over Russia. Sonar used his mind control powers to manipulate Baron Bedlam, Copperhead, Crime Tailor, EUROCRIME, the GLOBAL GUARDIANS, the Rocket Red Brigade (see HEROES OF THE SOVIET UNION), and members of the Justice League Europe and the JUSTICE SOCIETY OF AMERICA into an army powerful enough to dominate the Soviet Union.
First Appearance: Lobo Annual #1, 1993
First Meeting with Booster Gold: Bloodbath #1, 1993
Membership: Angon, Gemir, Glonth, Lissik, Pritor, Taker, Venev
The alien parasites that plagued Earth were refugees from an alternate dimension. Their ultimate goal was the awakening of their powerful offspring.
Booster Gold used his positive public image to reassure the citizens of the world that the HEROES OF THE BLOODBATH were doing all that they could to oppose the alien menace.
First Appearance: Justice League of America, Vol. 1, #96, 1972
First Meeting with Booster Gold: Justice League America #63, 1992
Encounters with Booster Gold: 4
Starbreaker is an immensely powerful creature which thrives off of absorbed cosmic energy, usually destroying planets in the process. He is often referred to as a "cosmic vampire."
After Starbreaker escaped from the GUARDIANS OF THE UNIVERSE, he headed to the planet of Almerac, home planet of JUSTICE LEAGUE member Maxima (see HEROES OF THE PANIC IN THE SKY), where he was opposed by Booster Gold and the rest of the Justice League.
First Appearance: The Brave and the Bold, Vol. 1, #28, 1960
First Meeting with Booster Gold: Booster Gold, Vol. 2, #13, 2008
Encounters with Booster Gold: 2
Starro the Conqueror was among the first villains to battle the JUSTICE LEAGUE. Through his ability to create miniature face-hugging, mind-controlling clones of himself, Starro has repeatedly threatened to dominate the minds of all humanity and take control of the entire Earth.
When a Starro clone is accidentally displaced through time, it takes control of RIP HUNTER and eventually the world. Booster Gold is forced to fight Starro's new minions, including Chemo, Chronos I, Gorilla Grodd, Solomon Grundy, and later Bane and Black Adam.
Later, Starro worked with the Justice League to save the universe, sacrificing himself in the process. But a tiny bit of Starro lived on as Batman's new sidekick, Jarro.
First Appearance: DC Comics Presents #87, 1985
First Meeting with Booster Gold: Tales of the Sinestro Corps: Superman-Prime #1, 2007
The SUPERMAN of an alternate Earth drawn into the DC Universe through the events of the Crisis on Infinite Earths, Superboy Prime spent years trapped in a pocket dimension where his loneliness and self-pity eventually led him to madness. After escaping from the GUARDIANS OF THE UNIVERSE, Superboy Prime renamed himself Superman Prime and joined the Sinestro Corps (see SINESTRO) in their war against the GREEN LANTERN CORPS.
Booster Gold confronted Superman Prime alongside the HEROES UNITED AGAINST SUPERMAN PRIME when the Sinestro Corps War threatened to destroy the Earth.
First Appearance: Booster Gold, Vol. 2, #1, 2007
First Meeting with Booster Gold: Booster Gold, Vol. 2, #2, 2007
Encounters with Booster Gold: 7
The SUPERNOVA suit, designed by RIP HUNTER and used by multiple heroes, can only be used by individuals sharing the DNA of Booster Gold. After Booster gives the suit to his ancestor DANIEL CARTER, it is stolen by Booster's own father for use as Supernova III in his quest for personal power with the TIME STEALERS.
Booster Gold spent years living in the shadow of his absent father before finally confronting him in battle in the skies above Central City.
First Appearance: Green Lantern, Vol. 3, #116, 1999
First Meeting with Booster Gold: Green Lantern, Vol. 3, #116, 1999
Encounters with Booster Gold: 1
The Supplier is an intergalactic merchant willing to sell anything to anyone for a fair price.
The Supplier was an early client of Blue and Gold Express, and their error in delivering a package led to a confrontation between the Supplier and Booster Gold, Green Lantern V, (see GREEN LANTERN CORPS), and Plastic Man (see CHRISTMAS PARTY GUESTS).
First Appearance: Superman #25, 2020
First Meeting with Booster Gold: Justice League, Vol. 3, #66, 2021
Encounters with Booster Gold: 2
To defend their planet from alien threats, the people of the planet Synmar turned Eisno Alkor into the super-soldier Synmar Utopica. After a series of tragedies befell his people, Synmar Utopica became obsessed with hunting down and killing SUPERMAN.
Booster Gold joined the JUSTICE LEAGUE and the UNITED ORDER to defend Earth from Synmar's wrath.
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