It has been 131 Days since Booster Gold last appeared in an in-continuity DCU comic book.

Showing posts 1 - 5 of 11 matching: infinite crisis
Wednesday, December 13, 2023
New Old Releases
I'll keep today's post brief so that you can spend more time reading (and re-reading) Booster Gold's appearance in DC's 'Twas The 'Mite Before Christmas. I just wanted to mention that if you still need Christmas presents, DC has released a bunch of collections recently in which Booster plays at least a small role.
This week, DC issued a 2023 hardcover edition of Infinite Crisis, in which Booster Gold returns from the future to introduce the future star of DC's Blue Beetle movie and save the world. At least that's how I remember Infinite Crisis.
DC has also just released the trade collections Multiversity: Harley Screws Up the DCU and Nightwing: The Leap, reprinting Booster's appearance in the pages of Multiversity: Harley Screws Up the DCU #6 and on the cover of Nightwing #100, respectively.
And since I'm on the subject, I would be remiss not to mention that last month saw the 2023 reissue of the 2018 The Seven Soldiers of Victory Omnibus hardcover. Booster Gold barely appears in the included Seven Soldiers: Bulleteer #3, but it's a darn good comic book series overall (made all the better by a small Booster Gold cameo appearance).
You may now resume your regularly scheduled holiday anthology reading.
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Monday, January 2, 2023
Booster Gold Is More Than a Cereal Mascot
Over the weekend, I was being teased by some friends about whether or not I'd be able to keep a particular New Year's Resolution I made. In response, I decided that instead of resolutions, I was going to make objectives (which sounds more aspirational than intimidating resolutions).
One of my New Year's Objectives for 2023 is to introduce at least one new person to the awesomeness of Booster Gold. I don't know where I'll find someone in my life who isn't already familiar with DC's greatest superhero, but I'll definitely be looking. I invite all Booster boosters to join me.
2023 may present us with some pretty good opportunities. In addition to whatever else it is that James Gunn has brewing at Warner Bros, there's still a Jaime Reyes-centric Blue Beetle movie coming this August. That'll give us an opportunity to enlighten new fans about the established superhero who originally introduced Jaime to his own super-heroic alter ego in 2006's Infinite Crisis #5!
If Booster Gold is good enough for Batman, he's good enough for you!
Help our hero get the recognition he deserves in 2023, Booster boosters. The future may depend on it!
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Wednesday, June 10, 2020
New Release: Harley Quinn 73
Booster Gold isn't in the solicitation text for today's Harley Quinn #73, nor is he in the previews (which you can see at But Booster booster Rob Snow reports that our hero is definitely in there, and I have proof:
Booster has appeared in each of the previous three issues, developing something of a romantic relationship with the title character before walking out at the end of the last issue. Today's issue #73 is only the fourth chapter of a five chapter story. The solicitation for next month's Harley Quinn #74 promises that "Harley will come face to face with the person pulling the strings" in the "epic" finale. After playing such a big part in the story so far, it's hard to believe that Booster won't be there to lend a hand. (Or be revealed as the puppeteer! Bwah-ha-ha!)
And while we're on the subject, I should mention that Issue #75 will be the last in the series. (Don't tear up. I'm sure it's just going to reboot. Again.) Writer Sam Humprhies has promised "a happy ending for all." Could that mean Booster Gold, too? I guess we'll find out in August.
Oh, and before I forget, the Infinite Crisis Omnibus is also due out today. It recollects a whole bunch of comics, including Booster Gold's appearances in Countdown to Infinite Crisis and the Infinite Crisis and The OMAC Project mini-series. I'm a cheapskate, but there are so many good comics in that book, it's probably worth the $150 cover price.
Buy something and make Skeets happy.
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Wednesday, February 26, 2020
New Release: Year of the Villain Hell Arisen 3
Hey, kids! Today's your first second chance to buy November's Tales from the Dark Multiverse: Infinite Crisis #1 one-shot, as it is included in Tales form the Dark Multiverse hardcover collection. Better late than never.
Speaking of reprints, if you're the sort of person who reads comic book related news sites — either for fun or because you run a website devoted to a comic book character who only sporadically appears as a background character in other books and you're always looking for new content — you may have heard that today's Year of the Villain: Hell Arisen #3 went to a second printing two weeks before the issue was ever released!
Believe it or not, that post-Final Order Cut-off/pre-New Release sellout happened because DC failed to mention in the solicitations provided to the stores that a certain super-popular character appears in it.
That character is sadly NOT Booster Gold.
Per DC's February 11 press release at
The debut of Punchline, the Joker's deadly new henchperson, has led to pre-on sale sellouts of both
Batman #89 and Year of the Villain: Hell Arisen #3—and now, DC announces that these issues, both written by James Tynion IV—are rushing back to press for second printings! Year of the Villain: Hell Arisen #3's second printing covers the confrontation between Lex Luthor and The Joker, with help from Punchline and Mercy, as the conflict between the forces of Perpetua and the Batman Who Laughs reaches the boiling point. Written by Tynion IV with art by Steve Epting, this issue will arrive in stores with a recolored version of its original cover by Epting.The second printings of
Batman #89 and Year of the Villain: Hell Arisen #3 will both be published on March 4. If the comics aren't already on your pull lists, contact your local comic book shop and let them know you're looking for these issues to be added!
For the record, no one knew this milked cash cow "Punchline" character would be in these two books until DC announced it... on February 7. Hint to DC: if you want people to buy your comics in the specialty shops dedicated to your product, maybe you should tell us about them before those stores have to place their orders from you. Otherwise, you're kind of shooting yourself in the foot. You won't make a single penny on the two or more (or much more) times cover price I'll now be paying for a first edition printing of a new Booster Gold comic book, so you end up losing money and angering fans. That's good business, he says sarcastically.
Sigh. Oh, well. I guess it's just one last thing I can blame on newly ex-publisher Dan "don't let the door hit you on the way out" DiDio. (Double sigh. Now who am I going to blame for everything I don't like about DC Comics?)
If you can find it for a reasonable price, buy this issue and make Skeets happy.
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Wednesday, November 27, 2019
New Release: TftDM Infinite Crisis 1
On Monday, I mentioned that Booster Gold: The Big Fall is released today. But that's not the only place you'll spot Booster Gold in your Local Comic Shop this week. Take along an extra $6 for the Tales from the Dark Multiverse: Infinite Crisis #1
This one-shot issue is essentially an Elseworlds tale, re-imagining the unfortunate events of Countdown to Infinite Crisis (2005) and its aftermath which took place in Scott Snyder's Dark Multiverse. The advance solicitation text (available at promises a prominent role for Booster Gold:
DC's mega-event "Infinite Crisis" saw the destruction of the Trinity, the rise of Alexander Luthor and Superboy-Prime, and the rebirth of the Multiverse...but it all started with Ted Kord, the Blue Beetle, who saw it all coming and died with secrets that could've saved the world. But...things happened differently in the Dark Multiverse! Not only does Blue Beetle survive- he thrives! And after killing Maxwell Lord himself, Ted sets off a chain of events that irreversibly alters the lives of the Justice League and his best friend, Booster Gold. In trying to prevent a crisis, Blue Beetle becomes the Crisis...and the Dark Multiverse will never be the same.
There are no happy endings in the aptly named "dark" universe, so don't expect this What If...?-style story to be a positive for Booster or his buddy. (Think "Blue & Gold" from Booster Gold #0 to #1 Million but grimmer and grittier.)
If you have the stomach for it, buy this issue and make Dark Skeets happy.
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