It has been 138 Days since Booster Gold last appeared in an in-continuity DCU comic book.

Showing posts 1 - 5 of 43 matching: harley quinn
Wednesday, December 18, 2024
New Old Release: Harley Screws Up (Again)
This week, DC is releasing the paperback version of the hardback version of the Multiversity: Harley Screws Up the DCU mini-series, in which Booster Gold makes a cameo appearance for a couple of pages at the end.
And that fulfils my contractual obligation to find something new(ish) to post about Booster Gold this week.
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Wednesday, December 13, 2023
New Old Releases
I'll keep today's post brief so that you can spend more time reading (and re-reading) Booster Gold's appearance in DC's 'Twas The 'Mite Before Christmas. I just wanted to mention that if you still need Christmas presents, DC has released a bunch of collections recently in which Booster plays at least a small role.
This week, DC issued a 2023 hardcover edition of Infinite Crisis, in which Booster Gold returns from the future to introduce the future star of DC's Blue Beetle movie and save the world. At least that's how I remember Infinite Crisis.
DC has also just released the trade collections Multiversity: Harley Screws Up the DCU and Nightwing: The Leap, reprinting Booster's appearance in the pages of Multiversity: Harley Screws Up the DCU #6 and on the cover of Nightwing #100, respectively.
And since I'm on the subject, I would be remiss not to mention that last month saw the 2023 reissue of the 2018 The Seven Soldiers of Victory Omnibus hardcover. Booster Gold barely appears in the included Seven Soldiers: Bulleteer #3, but it's a darn good comic book series overall (made all the better by a small Booster Gold cameo appearance).
You may now resume your regularly scheduled holiday anthology reading.
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Tuesday, August 8, 2023
New Release: Harley Screws Up the DCU 6
The full title of the comic containing this week's†long-awaited return of Booster Gold is Multiversity: Harley Screws Up the DCU #6. Note the "Multiversity" there.
To date, since 2014, DC has released 10 distinctly different "Multiversity" titles. The first nine of them identified on their covers which of the near-infinite Earths they took place on. The exception? This one, obviously.
So is the Booster Gold who appears in this issue "our" Booster Gold, the Booster Gold of Earth Prime or New Earth or Earth 0 or whatever they're calling it this month?
Sure. Why not? Does it really matter so long as we get some Booster Gold action?
Buy this issue and make Skeets happy.
†This is the week the book appears in print for the first time. The book has been available as a digital edition to subscribers to the DC Universe Infinite app for the past month. Membership has its privileges, as they say.
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Wednesday, August 2, 2023
New Release: Justice Society of America 4
Booster Gold gets another oblique mention on page 21 of this week's Justice Society of America #4:
words by Geoff Johns; art by Mikel Janin, Kerry Ordway, Jordie Bellaire, John Kalisz, Rob Leigh
Although, given that Booster is a secret member of the Time Masters, even Mister Terrific probably doesn't know he's talking about Booster Gold.
I know it's not much, but we Booster boosters have to take what we can get these days. Thankfully, Multiversity: Harley Quinn Screws Up the DC Universe is still scheduled for next week, and as we previously discovered, our boy is definitely in there for three whole panels!
Like I said, we'll take what we can get.
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Wednesday, July 12, 2023
Soon Releases: Harley Screws Up the DCU 6
I woke up yesterday to a breathless email from Marty that read
Booster!! He's in a comic!!! Multiversity: Harley Screws Up the DCU #6 (the solicitations have been kind of all over the place on this miniseries, so it might be advertised as #5 being the issue released today?) features three whole glorious panels of our boy.
So I gulped down my coffee and rushed out to my Local Comic Shop and plopped down $5 for this week's new release physical copy of Multiversity: Harley Screws Up the DCU #5. I then sat in my car flipping through the pages for signs of Booster... and nothing.
Booster Gold is NOT in Multiversity: Harley Screws Up the DCU #5. Nowhere. Not. One. Panel.
"Marty," I frantically typed into my email machine, "why would you do this to me?"
And Marty replied
That's strange. Issue #6 is available to read today digitally on the DCU Infinite app, I wonder why the physical release is behind? Either way, sorry to have pointed you to the wrong issue - Booster isn't in #5 at all.
Oh, the humanity!
But at least we have all been forewarned about an inevitability. Booster Gold will absolutely, positively be in Multiversity: Harley Screws Up the DCU #6, currently scheduled to arrive at your Local Comic Shop on August 8. (And, apparently available on the DC Infinite app right now, if, you know, you're a huge fan suffering from Booster Gold withdrawal and you just can't wait that long....)
Thanks, Marty!
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