It has been 137 Days since Booster Gold last appeared in an in-continuity DCU comic book.

Showing posts 1 - 5 of 9 matching: marty
Wednesday, July 26, 2023
Drown Your Sorrows
Booster booster Marty directed me to this image on The App That Used To Be Twitter:
The whatever-it-is that-we're-calling-tweets-now implies that cocktail menu comes from "the #BlueBeetle after party", whatever that was. As you can (barely) see at the bottom of the list, there's a drink there named for Ted Kord's best buddy, Booster Gold.
The ingredients read "Mezcal, Ancho Piña Shrub, Grapefruit, Lime, Close Honey, Angostura." Full disclosure here: I'm an absolute teetotaler. I haven't had an alcoholic beverage since the Olympic Games were held in Atlanta, Georgia. (It was a Tom Collins.) So my working knowledge of cocktails is a little rusty, and I have no idea what that tastes like, much less what some of those ingredients even are.
But my Google skills are strong. Allowing for typos — "close" should be "clove" — and a brand-sponsored tequila substitution, it seems those ingredients combine to make what Difford's Guide calls a Mercado Roma and The Educated Barfly calls an Oaxacanite. Here's a picture of a good-looking presentation of those drinks on Instagram:
It's certainly the right color.
As for whether this hints at any role Booster might play in the movie... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ . I guess we'll find out when the film hits theaters on August 18.
Thanks for the drink, Marty.
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Wednesday, July 12, 2023
Soon Releases: Harley Screws Up the DCU 6
I woke up yesterday to a breathless email from Marty that read
Booster!! He's in a comic!!! Multiversity: Harley Screws Up the DCU #6 (the solicitations have been kind of all over the place on this miniseries, so it might be advertised as #5 being the issue released today?) features three whole glorious panels of our boy.
So I gulped down my coffee and rushed out to my Local Comic Shop and plopped down $5 for this week's new release physical copy of Multiversity: Harley Screws Up the DCU #5. I then sat in my car flipping through the pages for signs of Booster... and nothing.
Booster Gold is NOT in Multiversity: Harley Screws Up the DCU #5. Nowhere. Not. One. Panel.
"Marty," I frantically typed into my email machine, "why would you do this to me?"
And Marty replied
That's strange. Issue #6 is available to read today digitally on the DCU Infinite app, I wonder why the physical release is behind? Either way, sorry to have pointed you to the wrong issue - Booster isn't in #5 at all.
Oh, the humanity!
But at least we have all been forewarned about an inevitability. Booster Gold will absolutely, positively be in Multiversity: Harley Screws Up the DCU #6, currently scheduled to arrive at your Local Comic Shop on August 8. (And, apparently available on the DC Infinite app right now, if, you know, you're a huge fan suffering from Booster Gold withdrawal and you just can't wait that long....)
Thanks, Marty!
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Wednesday, May 3, 2023
If Only I Had More Time
I've been really, really busy lately, so I haven't even made it to my Local Comic Shop in a week. Therefore, I wouldn't have known about this week's Gold Beetle appearance if not for Booster booster Marty. Thanks, Marty!
As you can see above, Gold Beetle and Wally West have their first meeting (from her perspective) in this week's Flash #798.
Of course, their first meeting from his perspective was in Flash #767, during which he was displaced in time and inhabiting Impulse's body in the 30th century. So their objectively chronological "present day" first encounter would be Flash #795. Confused yet?
One of these days I really need to devote more time to Gold Beetle, and that time might be soon. It sure looks like she'll be back for Flash #799, and no self-respecting heir to the legacy of Booster Gold would dare miss a milestone issue like #800....
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Monday, April 24, 2023
New Old Release: 52 Pick-Up TPB
Last week, DC released its retailer solicitations for July 2023, and about the only thing I can say about it is that Booster boosters are going to be able to save a bunch of money on comic books this summer.
The only sign of our hero is the DC Vs. Vampires: All Out- War Part 2 collection, and I'd never recommend anyone should even read that, let alone buy it.
But rather than focus on our summer without Gold — there will be plenty of time for that later — let's stay positive and keep an eye on what we're getting this week: the re-release of Booster Gold: 52 Pick-Up.
DC is calling this the 2023 edition. So far as I'm aware, the only thing different from the 2008 printing is the price, but I can't begrudge that. Everything is more expensive now than it was 15 years ago.
In fact, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, what cost you $14.99 in 2008 should cost you $20.89 today. Turns out that Booster Gold: 52 Pick-Up 2023 Edition is a bargain! Buy a copy for everyone in your family.
UPDATE: I got an email from Marty pointing out that Skeets is on the solicited Dan Mora cover for Batman/Superman: World's Finest #17 due on July 18. That's definitely something to look forward to!
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Wednesday, March 22, 2023
New Release: DC's Legion of Bloom
I woke up yesterday to find this very important email from Marty:
Booster sighted in Superman's story in DC's Legion of Bloom anthology! He and Beetle seem to have summoned imp versions of themselves, making Superman's day just a little bit more annoying.
Sure enough, here's the panel:
Ooh, that's a good panel. Good enough to get me to buy a full book!
(Full disclosure: I was already going to buy the book because it has a Captain Carrot story in it. Although, come to think of it, I buy all the DC anthology books because I'm a sucker for short stories. So from that point of view, getting a bonus Booster Gold panel is icing on the cake. If anthology books were slot machines, I won!)
Obviously, Marty interprets "chibi" Blue and Gold to be 5th-dimensional imps. And it's certainly true that Mr. Mxyzptlk makes several appearances in Dave Weilgosz's (delightful) 10-page story Superman story.
However, I interpret these two as the Blue and Gold from Earth-42. The Li'l Justice League played a significant role in Grant Morrison's 2015 Multiplicity event, and they returned to action as recently as 2020's DC' Very Merry Multiverse. We've not seen the Booster Gold and Blue Beetle from that world before, but Booster is certainly capable of traveling through the Multiverse, so... why not now?
Whatever the case, thanks to Marty for being sure all Booster boosters can all enjoy the latest Blue and Gold (and Blue and Gold) hijinks!
Buy this issue and make Skeets happy! (Is there a chibi Skeets? There has to be, right?)
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