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Monday, May 27, 2024

What We Learned at Phoenix Fan Fusion 2024

Get ready to loosen those purse strings this summer!

© inpursuitoftoys

Booster Gold was one of several DC action figures revealed at the McFarlane Toys presentation at Phoenix Fan Fusion 2024, as we can see in the above image from In Pursuit of Toys on Instagram. You can watch the whole presentation on

I sure do like that high collar.

Thanks to Rob Snow and Mike Foster for keeping us informed.

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Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Wanna Make Somethin' of It?

Since we started the week with a Justice League International theme, let's keep it going!

Check out this Boosterrific cosplay — with period-accurate popped collar! — recently posted to Instagram:

No more 'Of America'.. The world's greatest heroes have gone international! @amazingpurples via August 20, 2023

The Booster Gold cosplayer is the original poster, Lisandro Becerra aka amazingpurples, which only makes perfect sense. Who is going to be more eager to show off than Booster Gold?

Keep up the great work, everybody.

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Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Drown Your Sorrows

Booster booster Marty directed me to this image on The App That Used To Be Twitter:

Interesting names for the cocktails at the #BlueBeetle after party 🤔-- @homeofdcu via Twitter July 20, 2023

The whatever-it-is that-we're-calling-tweets-now implies that cocktail menu comes from "the #BlueBeetle after party", whatever that was. As you can (barely) see at the bottom of the list, there's a drink there named for Ted Kord's best buddy, Booster Gold.

The ingredients read "Mezcal, Ancho Piña Shrub, Grapefruit, Lime, Close Honey, Angostura." Full disclosure here: I'm an absolute teetotaler. I haven't had an alcoholic beverage since the Olympic Games were held in Atlanta, Georgia. (It was a Tom Collins.) So my working knowledge of cocktails is a little rusty, and I have no idea what that tastes like, much less what some of those ingredients even are.

But my Google skills are strong. Allowing for typos — "close" should be "clove" — and a brand-sponsored tequila substitution, it seems those ingredients combine to make what Difford's Guide calls a Mercado Roma and The Educated Barfly calls an Oaxacanite. Here's a picture of a good-looking presentation of those drinks on Instagram:

Market lunch! Mercado Roma: mezcal, ancho piña shrub, grapefruit, lime, clove honey, and Angostura👌🏼--@wayfan via Instagram June 9, 2022

It's certainly the right color.

As for whether this hints at any role Booster might play in the movie... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ . I guess we'll find out when the film hits theaters on August 18.

Thanks for the drink, Marty.

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Wednesday, April 6, 2022

As Boosterrific As 1-2-3

As was recently pointed out to me by way of, check out cosplayer cosplinds (Instagram) in her Goldstar costume at Toronto Comiccon 2022:

Goldstar cosplayer cosplinds, photo by veryfrankpictures

And since no Michelle Carter costume would be complete without a Booster Gold, here she is with crazymikecosplay (Instagram) as her fraternal twin brother, Mike:

Goldstar cosplayers cosplinds and crazymikecosplay, photo by veryfrankpictures

And since no Carter family reunion would be complete without Booster's BFF, here both Booster and Goldstar are with messiahcomplexcosplay (Instagram) as the Blue Beetle!:

Goldstar cosplayers cosplinds and crazymikecosplay and messiahcomplexcosplay, photo by veryfrankpictures

All of those very Boosterrific images were taken by veryfrankpictures. The whole gallery can be seen on

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Monday, January 31, 2022

The Missing Cover Found

If you pay attention to DC's solicitations for upcoming issues, you may remember that the image solicited in October as the cover of Blue and Gold #6 was actually used on the cover to issue #4.

So what will the cover of issue #6 look like? In a word, this:

© DC Comics

That's the cover that Lunar Distribution included in its Final Order Cutoff last week for books to be released February 22, which means there is a very high probability that it's what you'll be seeing in your Local Comic Shop in three weeks.

If you like what you see, I recommend a visit to artist Ryan Sook's Instagram, where you'll find this art without trade dress plus previews of some of his interior art.

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