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It has been 128 Days since Booster Gold last appeared in an in-continuity DCU comic book.

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Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Giant Size Booster Gold

Yesterday's post at Ross Pearsall's Super-Team Family Presents... at pairs Booster Gold (and Skeets!) with one of the X-Men's shortest-lived members:

Super-Team Family Presents #4679

For those who don't remember, the late Thunderbird, aka John Proudstar, joined Marvel Comics' X-Men at the same time as Colossus, Nightcrawler, Storm, and some guy named Wolverine. Whatever happened to that guy?

Keep up the great work, Ross.

And while I'm in the process of pointing you to other comic book blogging sites, I absolutely must mention another one I visit multiple times a week, Mike Sterling's Progressive Ruin, which on Sunday said, and I quote: "if you want to know more about Mr. Gold, you can't do better than []." Thanks for the kind words, Mike!

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Friday, January 31, 2025

My Favorite Pages: Justice League Europe 34

My Favorite Pages

Sure, Justice League Europe #34 has a full page of heartwarming interactions between Blue Beetle and Booster Gold. (That's page 18 if you go looking.) But that's not my favorite page in the issue.

And, yeah, on page 2, Booster gets a cool pose in which he calls the Conglomerate into action. But that's not my favorite page, either.

And the interaction between Booster and Lobo on page 9 should at least get an honorable mention.

But I've got to say that my favorite page in the whole issue is page 5, all because of Booster's expression on panel 4:

© DC Comics
Wait, why is Despero's purple butt hidden in flames, but Fire's green butt fully visible? Her whole gimmick is being covered in flames!

Extra credit to Martian Manhunter for really selling that scene. You can always count on J'onn!

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Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Cheat Day

Today is the fifth Wednesday in January, which means that DC has a slate of one-shots coming, including the Valentine's Day-themed DC's Lex and the City and Black History Month-themed DC Power: Rise of the Power Company. I know I said I'm on strike from buying DC comics until Booster Gold comes back, and I sincerely doubt Booster will be in either of these, but books released during skip weeks don't count, right?

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Friday, January 24, 2025

You Go, Girls!

I'm typing this at 12:20 AM, and it's possible, likely even, that by the time you read this, DC will have released their full list of solicitations for April. Judging by the news DC has been peddling for the past week, I don't expect to see Booster Gold anywhere in there.

However, has already announced that there is a new Fire and Ice: When Hell Freezes Over mini-series coming from the pen of Joanne Starer, who also wrote 2023's Fire and Ice: Welcome to Smallville. I am on record as being somewhat lukewarm on that series, but although DC has refused to give any sales numbers for any of its titles since 2020, I think we can say that series must have sold a very healthy amount of comics if DC is already making six more.

Compare that to the Blue and Gold mini-series of 2021 which did so well that not only was there no follow-up, DC has now excommunicated Booster Gold from the DC Universe and made sure Ted Kord has forgotten his best friend ever existed. Ouch.

UPDATE: As expected, solicitations are up at, and no sign of Booster Gold. Keep your eyes on DC All In/Absolute Universe 2025 FCBD Special Edition #1 coming May 3, because that story at least provides the opportunity for a Booster mention before DC rolls into its "Summer of Superman."

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Wednesday, January 22, 2025

This Day in History: Cameos Everywhere

New comics released on January 22, 2020:

Superman, Vol. 5, #19

Batman Superman, Vol. 1, #6

Year of the Villain: Hell Arisen, Vol. 1, #2

Booster Gold had small parts in those, and, as you can read in the Boosterrific Blog post for that day, they were mostly unexpected. But at least he had a part.

Turns out that it's easier to make surprise cameo appearances in other characters' books when you actually exist in their shared universe.

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