Zero Hour
“Zero Hour”
Volume 1, Issue 3, July 1994
Released July 19, 1994
Cover Price: $1.50
Guide Price: $2.50 (as of 2011)

Writer: Dan Jurgens
Penciller: Dan Jurgens
Inker: Jerry Ordway
Colorist: Gregory Wright
Letterer: Gaspar Saladino (as Gaspar)
Assistant Editor: Mike McAvennie
Editor: K.C. Carlson
Heroes: Agent Liberty, Alpha Centurion, Amazing Man II, Aquaman, Arsenal, Atom II, Batgirl I, Batman, Blue Beetle II, Booster Gold, Captain Marvel, Cosmic Boy, Darkstar Donna Troy, Doctor Light IV, Elongated Man, Emerald Dragon, Flash IV, Geo-Force, Green Arrow I, Green Lantern V, Gunfire, Jade, Katana, Killowat, Lightning Lad, Martian Manhunter, Maxima, Metamorpho, Mister Miracle, Nightwing II, Northwind, Obsidian, Pantha, Phantasm III, Power Girl, Ray II, Red Star, Redwing, Robin III, Saturn Girl, Starfire III, Steel III, Superboy III, Supergirl II, Superman, Triumph, Warrior, Wonder Woman
Supporting: L-Ron
Setting: New York, NY, USA, 20th-century
Cover Description: Extant arises from an orange cloud to confront Green Lantern I, Impulse, Flash I, Hawkman III, Kyle Rayner, Hour Man I, and Superman. (No Booster Gold.)
Brief Synopsis: Metron and Superman gather heroes from across the DC universe to battle a danger that is eradicating history.
Booster Gold's role in this story:
Supporting (Booster Gold plays a lesser role)
Costume Worn: MARK IV armored power-suit
Issue Notes: "Zero Hour: Crisis in Time!" issue 2. The issues of Zero Hour are numbered backwards from 4 to 0. All Zero Hour issues are cover dated September 1994.
This story has been reprinted in:
DC Finest Events: Zero Hour Part One (2024)
Zero Hour: Crisis in Time Omnibus (2024)
Zero Hour: Crisis in Time (1994)
Page 7, panel 3
Answering Superman's call for heroes, Booster Gold arrives in New York City with fellow Justice Leaguers Blue Beetle II, Maxima, and Metamorpho. Booster is irritated that the other heroes are slow to arrive. Whether his irritation stems from eagerness to please Superman, frustration with being made to wait for others, or simply a comment on Booster's time-traveling origins is unclear.
Page 8, panel 1
Other heroes appearing in New York with Booster include Agent Liberty, Alpha Centurion, Amazing Man II, Aquaman, Arsenal, Atom II, Batgirl, Batman I, Blue Beetle II, Captain Marvel, Cosmic Boy, Donna Troy (as a Darkstar), Dr. Light IV, Elongated Man, Emerald Dragon, Geo-Force, Green Arrow, Green Lantern Kyle Rayner, Gunfire, Guy Gardner (as Warrior), Impulse, Jade, Katana, Killowat, Livewire, L-Ron (in Despero's body), Martian Manhunter, Maxima, Metamorpho, Mister Miracle, Nightwing, Northwind, Obsidian, Pantha, Phantasm III, Power Girl, Ray II, Red Star, Redwing, Robin III, Saturn Girl, Starfire, Steel III, Superboy III, Supergirl II, Superman, Triumph, and Wonder Woman. This is a large crowd, with Alpha Centurion, Batgirl, Cosmic Boy, Impulse, Kyle Rayner, Livewire, Northwind, Saturn Girl, Steel, and Triumph all coming as new faces to Booster Gold.
Page 21, panel 2
Booster recognizes the city materializing in the sky as a city from the 25th century. Booster doesn't mention what city it is, but since it appears that timelines are merging, it is probably New York City from the 25th century. Despite the fact that Booster could probably receive medical treatment to remove him from his armored life-support system inside the advanced city, he doesn't hesitate to join the heroes acting to save the present-day New York City. (Booster has lived each day trapped inside what is essentially a glorified pacemaker since Justice League America #90.)
Boosterrific Review: Touted as an opportunity to repair continuity damage lingering from the Crisis on Infinite Earths' re-definition of the DC universe, this series is shaping up to be little more than an excuse to have every character in the DC Universe get at least a line of dialogue in each issue. This issue features a lot of discussion and a limited battle against a seemingly invincible enemy. While the art of Dan Jurgens and Jerry Ordway is better than should be expected considering the high character count, some of the effect is lost to the garish colors of Gregory Wright. Apparently in the DC Universe, time is a rainbow. Following the surprise revelations of secret identities in this issue, it's hard to imagine that this series is going to become less confusing as it moves forward.
Boosterrific Rating: Gold Standard.
SPOILER WARNING: The content at Boosterrific.com may contain story spoilers for DC Comics publications.
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