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It has been 137 Days since Booster Gold last appeared in an in-continuity DCU comic book.

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Friday, July 15, 2022

My Favorite Pages: Booster Gold 2

My Favorite Pages

After Booster Gold was portrayed so heroically in his first issue, Booster Gold volume 1, number 2 really delivers the gut punch that maybe he's not really all that he's pretending to be. He starts face down in the gutter, his friends chew him out for his failures, it becomes clear his family is lost to him forever, and the issue ends with the death of his sidekick. What a downer!

Yet, in the midst of all that, we get one of the best Booster Gold pages in the character's history:

© DC Comics

If you don't love that, you're reading the wrong blog!

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Wednesday, August 4, 2021

New Release: Justice League 66

Booster Gold rides in with the cavalry in this week's Justice League #66!

© DC Comics

It's a cameo appearance, sure, but the book ends on a cliffhanger that promises more action to come. Maybe Booster will have a bigger part in the next issue? (If he's lucky, he may even get a whole line of dialog!)

And while we're on the subject of brief appearances, perhaps you'll recall that last week Booster's Gold's hair made a cameo in Teen Titans Academy #5? DC must have liked that, because this week they put Booster's hair in all of their books:

© DC Comics
Director Bones enjoys running his fingers through Booster's hair.

This is the fourth weekly variant "Multiversal Monitors" house ad promoting the "Infinite Frontier" era. Each consecutive edition has retained and shuffled some images from the week before. In this case, Booster Gold and Blue Beetle are still on screen, relocated behind Director Bones where only Booster's hair is visible.

Booster should move quickly to capitalize on all the exposure his scalp is getting. If Dirk Davis was still his manager, I'm sure he'd be in television commercials for Mane 'n Tail by now.

Buy a comic book and make Skeets happy.

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Wednesday, July 28, 2021

New Old Release: Bizarro Comics Deluxe Edition

This week DC released Bizarro Comics: The Deluxe Edition, which is a collection of two earlier collections, Bizaro Comics and Bizarro World. Booster Gold makes a very brief cameo in the former:

© DC Comics

Granted, that panel might not be significant enough to encourage you to buy a $50 book, but it's not the smallest Booster Gold appearance this week. That honor belongs to Teen Titans Academy #5:

© DC Comics

No, he's not Red X. (At least, I don't think so.) Look under the "W" on the bulletin board. That golden hair couldn't possibly belong to anyone else!

To prove I'm not crazy (about this), here's the better look at the bulletin board we got in last month's previous issue:

© DC Comics

Thanks to Logan for bringing that panel to our attention. I can't imagine a Booster cameo getting much smaller than that.

For the record, that's not the only Booster in Teen Titans Academy #5. Blue and Gold appear twice in this house ads, once in the Infinite Frontier promotion that's now on it's third week, and once in Director Bones' newest Multiversal Monitor.

© DC Comics

These house ads appear in all of this week's books. You might think it's silly to buy comics just for the ads, but a Booster booster's gotta do what a Booster booster's gotta do.

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Monday, July 5, 2021

Have You Seen These Guys?

I need a little help.

Last week, DC published this house advertisement in digital editions of several books, including Green Arrow 80th Anniversary and Teen Titans Academy 2021 Yearbook.

© DC Comics

However, when I bought a physical copy of Teen Titans Academy 2021 Yearbook for my collection, I discovered that the ad is nowhere to be seen in its pages. (And that's despite the issue's dedication to duplicating a high school yearbook, complete with a section for "Boosters & Corporate Sponsors." You missed a great synergy opportunity there, DC!)

In years past, I used to have access to weekly floppies so I could execute this search myself. But there have been far too many casualties during The Pandemic, and my opportunity to flip through DC comics each week is one of them. Now I can only touch what I buy, and I can't buy everything.

Therefore, I need your help identifying whether the ad actually appears in *any* physical books published by DC last week. Or maybe books coming this week.

I can hear some of you saying, "What difference does it make what physical comics it appears in? Can't you just list the digital editions it's in?" Yes, I can and maybe should. However, I strongly doubt that any of us will have access to the same digital editions in, say, 30 years. Who knows what ads will be included in whatever format the future will use for digital "reprints." That's why I want to identify where this ad might be in physical media, so that Booster boosters in the future can have access if they want it.

I mean, we all expect Blue and Gold to still be around in 2050, right? Hopefully more famous and beloved than ever before!

Thanks for your help.

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Wednesday, May 11, 2016

What to Do about Previews

This past weekend, I discovered that Booster Gold appeared on the cover of the June 2007 issue of Previews.

Previews June 2007

In case you're unaware, Previews is Diamond Comics Distributors in-house catalog of upcoming comic releases. Diamond distributes the magazine to comic specialty shops so that shop owners can place orders. Many shops make the catalog available to their customers, but it's really an industry tool.

Should this be in the Boosterrific database as a cover appearance? It's really just an ad for Booster Gold Volume 2 #1, and I cover that on the Advertisements page. I must have been aware of this when it was released, and I'm sure I didn't consider it a "cover appearance" then. I'm not sure my opinion has changed.

What do you think? Advertisement or cover appearance?

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