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It has been 131 Days since Booster Gold last appeared in an in-continuity DCU comic book.

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Showing posts 1 - 5 of 88 matching: favorite pages

Friday, January 31, 2025

My Favorite Pages: Justice League Europe 34

My Favorite Pages

Sure, Justice League Europe #34 has a full page of heartwarming interactions between Blue Beetle and Booster Gold. (That's page 18 if you go looking.) But that's not my favorite page in the issue.

And, yeah, on page 2, Booster gets a cool pose in which he calls the Conglomerate into action. But that's not my favorite page, either.

And the interaction between Booster and Lobo on page 9 should at least get an honorable mention.

But I've got to say that my favorite page in the whole issue is page 5, all because of Booster's expression on panel 4:

© DC Comics
Wait, why is Despero's purple butt hidden in flames, but Fire's green butt fully visible? Her whole gimmick is being covered in flames!

Extra credit to Martian Manhunter for really selling that scene. You can always count on J'onn!

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Friday, January 10, 2025

My Favorite Pages: Justice League America 58

My Favorite Pages

Every storyline in Justice League America #58 is a fight. Despero fights Lobo, Lobo fights Guy Gardner, Blue Beetle fights the Extremists, Despero fights Martian Manhunter.. and Booster Gold (and his force field) saves the day (twice)!

Booster Gold has two truly great pages in this. Page 14 is both fun and poignant, but Booster's star moment is page 18:

© DC Comics

Whatta hero!

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Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Year in Review 2024

Presenting the 5 most-read blog posts of 2024!

5. Monday, February 5: New Release: How to Lose a Guy Gardner
In which we discover that Booster Gold had his own story in the DC's How to Lose a Guy Gardner In 10 Days holiday anthology (and it was delightful).

4. Friday, August 30: My Favorite Pages: Justice League Intl Special
In which we laugh along with Booster Gold and his BFF Ted Kord preparing for the theater in Justice League International Special #1, page 8.

3. Monday, June 10: The Return and Return of Robo Force
In which we showcase two (!) "Robo Force" covers featuring a team of robots including Booster Gold's sidekick, Skeets, from Ross Pearsall's superlative Super-Team Family Presents.. imaginary team up books from

2. Monday, February 26: Sooner to Be New Release: Blue Beetle
In which we learn that Blue Beetle Volume 5 scribe Josh Trujillo considers Booster Gold to be a 12 out of 10 on the fun-to-write scale. (I wish he'd share that news with whoever isn't writing Booster Gold comics these days.)

1. Monday, September 23: It's Not Easy Being Green
In which we note that Booster Gold's appearance on the cover of Justice League of America Volume 2 #7 has been turned into a poster available on According to analytics, this post got an aberrantly huge number of hits, and I cannot for the life of me imagine why unless Amazon was backtracking the link many, many times. Whatever the reason, I will not deny that everyone can use more Booster Gold on their walls!

Here's to another Boosterrific year in 2025!

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Friday, December 27, 2024

My Favorite Pages: Justice League America 53

My Favorite Pages

Justice League America #53 is not a great comic book. Part of the problem is the scenario, the first chapter of the "Breakdowns" storyline, which focuses heavily on a Justice League International grieving over a comatose Max Lord while experiencing a literal existential crisis in the United Nations General Assembly. That's pretty heavy stuff that isn't traditionally the type of crisis that you can solve by putting on brightly colored pajamas and punching something.

Sadly, this issue's artists, Chris Wozniak and Bruce D. Patterson, aren't able to elevate the often maudlin script. Wozniak lacks his predecessors' mastery of realistic and consistent facial expressions that so often made Maguire and Hughes' work so brilliant, and the figures here all look like they were sculpted in Play-Doh. Neither does it help that in such a wordy comic, usual letterer Bob Lappan has been temporarily replaced by Willie Schubert, so even the words don't look right for a JLI title. It's not a particularly pleasant reading experience.

But any comic book with Booster Gold in it is a good book, even if he's only here in a supporting role and even if he doesn't wear his costume.

© DC Comics

I choose the above page 10 as my favorite mostly because Booster's inclusion there in the bubble makes it the last time the classic Justice League International team would ride into action together as a United Nations-sanctioned team. Where are they headed? The sewer. It's a fitting end to the JLI's original "Bwah-ha-ha" era.

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Friday, December 20, 2024

My Favorite Pages: Justice League America Annual 5

My Favorite Pages

As Armageddon 2001 meandered its way through the 1991 DC annuals, the Justice League was dealing with its own crisis as founder and team glue Max Lord lay in a coma. This gave Waverider a perfect opportunity in Justice League America Annual #5 to inspect the probable futures of several Justice Leaguers in quick succession in his search to find the future Monarch.*

The visions he saw were all of a shared future in which Martian Manhunter is a cookie guru, Guy Gardner led a cult of personality, Fire was engaged to marry Oberon, and Booster Gold had returned to the 25th century, spent time in jail for his previous crime, then resumed his old job at the Space Museum.

© DC Comics
This page reads a little differently after Countdown.

Booster actually has a charming dual role in this issue, supporting his teammates in the present, and in the future, stealing another time machine to put his fractured team back together. For a guy often accused of being a screw-up, Booster has always been a big hero behind the scenes.

© DC Comics

* It's no coincidence that herein Waverider disguises himself as Captain Atom, whom he will dramatically fail to investigate a few weeks later in Justice League Europe Annual #2. I'd be inclined to say "spoiler warning" here, but this is definitely not a spoiler. As DC editorial decreed, Captain Atom is not Monarch.

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