It has been 128 Days since Booster Gold last appeared in an in-continuity DCU comic book.

Wednesday, July 28, 2021
New Old Release: Bizarro Comics Deluxe Edition
This week DC released Bizarro Comics: The Deluxe Edition, which is a collection of two earlier collections, Bizaro Comics and Bizarro World. Booster Gold makes a very brief cameo in the former:
Granted, that panel might not be significant enough to encourage you to buy a $50 book, but it's not the smallest Booster Gold appearance this week. That honor belongs to Teen Titans Academy #5:
No, he's not Red X. (At least, I don't think so.) Look under the "W" on the bulletin board. That golden hair couldn't possibly belong to anyone else!
To prove I'm not crazy (about this), here's the better look at the bulletin board we got in last month's previous issue:
Thanks to Logan for bringing that panel to our attention. I can't imagine a Booster cameo getting much smaller than that.
For the record, that's not the only Booster in Teen Titans Academy #5. Blue and Gold appear twice in this house ads, once in the Infinite Frontier promotion that's now on it's third week, and once in Director Bones' newest Multiversal Monitor.
These house ads appear in all of this week's books. You might think it's silly to buy comics just for the ads, but a Booster booster's gotta do what a Booster booster's gotta do.
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