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It has been 135 Days since Booster Gold last appeared in an in-continuity DCU comic book.

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Showing posts 1 - 5 of 8 matching: nightwing

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

New Old Releases

I'll keep today's post brief so that you can spend more time reading (and re-reading) Booster Gold's appearance in DC's 'Twas The 'Mite Before Christmas. I just wanted to mention that if you still need Christmas presents, DC has released a bunch of collections recently in which Booster plays at least a small role.

This week, DC issued a 2023 hardcover edition of Infinite Crisis, in which Booster Gold returns from the future to introduce the future star of DC's Blue Beetle movie and save the world. At least that's how I remember Infinite Crisis.

DC has also just released the trade collections Multiversity: Harley Screws Up the DCU and Nightwing: The Leap, reprinting Booster's appearance in the pages of Multiversity: Harley Screws Up the DCU #6 and on the cover of Nightwing #100, respectively.

And since I'm on the subject, I would be remiss not to mention that last month saw the 2023 reissue of the 2018 The Seven Soldiers of Victory Omnibus hardcover. Booster Gold barely appears in the included Seven Soldiers: Bulleteer #3, but it's a darn good comic book series overall (made all the better by a small Booster Gold cameo appearance).

You may now resume your regularly scheduled holiday anthology reading.

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Monday, January 16, 2023

New Release: Nightwing 100

I've had my eye on this week's New Champion of Shazam #4 for months, but that doesn't have anything to do with Booster Gold. I just love me some Doc Shaner art (and Hoppy, The Marvel Bunny!).

I've also had my eye on this week's Nightwing #100. I also love me some Bruno Redondo art... and I especially love Bruno Redondo art with Booster Gold in it!

© DC Comics

In a delightful twist, that's the issue's "Cover A," which means it is probably the most common* and easiest to acquire cover for this landmark issue. Which is a good thing, as there are at least 11 other covers of varying rarity. Whew!

*These days, DC allows retailers to order their choice of most non-incentive covers, which means there is no longer such a thing as a "standard" cover. Everything is a variant. And just because a cover has been designated as Cover A, that doesn't necessarily mean that retailers order more of those than, say, Cover B (or C or D...). So estimating the rarity (and related value) of any given cover is harder than ever. But since the laws of supply and demand still hold, the most valuable cover will usually be the most desired one, and who wouldn't want the cover with Booster Gold on it?

Buy this comic for its cover and make Skeets happy!

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Wednesday, January 4, 2023

No New Release: Batman Urban Legends 22

It doesn't look like Booster Gold appears in any new books this week, but if you decide to visit your Local Comic Shop anyway, you might want to check the recent issues rack for Batman: Urban Legends #22.

It came out last month, and Logan Peterson only recently informed me that he found Booster Gold making this two-panel cameo within:

© DC Comics

Ok, so that's not Booster Gold himself but a statue of Booster Gold promoting slot machines in Bludhaven's Lunar Crown Casino — which is a really good thing for Booster given that Nightwing breaks its leg!.

It's not clear whether Booster has licensed his likeness to the casino or the slot machines themselves. In either case, I sure hope they have superhero insurance.

Thanks for the spot, Logan. I've got another, much older Booster appearance by Brandon to spotlight soon. In the meanwhile, keep your eyes peeled for more Booster Gold in 2023, everybody!

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Monday, December 26, 2022

New Release: DC Vs. Vampires 12 Cover C

Hey, DC, as someone who bought your product throughout the 1990s, let me say that I think you've forgotten the lessons we learned during the Dark Age of Comics, namely, "Thou Shalt Not Get Carried Away With Variant Covers."

This week alone, you're releasing 18 distinct books with at least 73 different covers! I love comics, but that's too many.

Booster Gold appears on exactly 1 of those covers, the 1:25 Filya Bratukhin retailer incentive card stock variant (Cover C) of DC Vs. Vampires #12.

© DC Comics

I haven't seen all the interior pages (other than what is visible in the preview at, but is that Booster's New 52 costume? Do these damn vampires spill over into other alternate Earths? Please, no. Just no.

Elsewhere on this week's comic rack, Booster will also be found within the collected edition of Superman Red & Blue (reprinting his appearance in issue #3), Nightwing Volume 2: Get Grayson (reprinting Nightwing #88) and the second printing of Death of Superman 30th Anniversary Special (reprinting, um, Death of Superman 30th Anniversary Special).

Buy some (reprinted) comics and make Skeets happy.

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Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Coming Soon: Nightwing 100

January's Nightwing #100 will have at least 8 covers. But Booster boosters only have to worry about getting our hands on 1 of them.

Presenting the "main" cover by series artist Bruno Redondo, featuring a vary familiar couple of colors:

© DC Comics

Blue and Gold forever!

You can see a larger copy of this (and the 7 others) at Thanks to Rob Snow for bringing this to our attention.

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