It has been 128 Days since Booster Gold last appeared in an in-continuity DCU comic book.

Showing posts 1 - 5 of 5 matching: david marquez
Wednesday, November 23, 2022
Coming Soon: Lazarus Planet Omega
DC's February 2023 solicitations were released last week, and it appears that Booster Gold will play some role in the eight-issue "Lazarus Planet" event first announced back at New York Comic Con.
Or, at least, he'll be on the David Marquez cover to Lazarus Planet: Omega #1:
Given that A) Omega is the final book in the event, B) none of the solicitations or promotions otherwise mention him, and C) our hero is usually backgrounded in these sorts of big event stories, I don't have much hope that Booster will be playing a big role in this event.
But maybe I'm wrong. I sure hope I am. We'll certainly find out when Lazarus Planet: Omega comes our way on February 21.
Meanwhile, you can read more about Lazarus Planet and all other DC comics coming in February at
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Monday, August 22, 2022
New Release: Tales of the Human Target 1
Tales of the Human Target #1 (of 1) will be available tomorrow at your Local Comic Shop. According to the solicitation text:
Chance teams up with fan-favorite members of the JLI in four connecting mysteries that lead them to that fateful day when one them will kill the Human Target.
Taken literally, that means that the Big Bad of the series is one of the JLI characters featured in the issue, either Fire, Ice, Guy Gardner, or Booster Gold. DC played this same "one of these heroes is a murderer!" with Tom King's Heroes in Crisis in 2018 and have done nothing but bend over backwards to undo it ever since. Glad to see they've learned a lesson from that debacle.
(To be fair to King, he doesn't write the solicitation text. He just, you know, makes heroes into murderers.)
As usual, the stars of a Tom King project are the amazing visual artists DC teams with him. In this case, it's Kevin Maguire and Alex Sinclair on the Booster story, but you can see Greg Smallwood also gets a chance to draw Gold in the issue preview at
As if that wasn't enough great art, keep in mind that a piece of Booster appears on the David Marquez open order variant Cover B.
Yeah, I'm certainly not going to complain about that.
Buy this issue and make Skeets happy.
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Friday, May 13, 2022
Coming Soon: Tales of the Human Target
Ready for some scary news for Friday the 13th?
Tom King is going to be writing more Booster Gold.
Announced earlier this week via, Tales of the Human Target is a one-shot anthology issue of Human Target / Justice League International team-up stories that will include a Booster Gold adventure drawn by Kevin Maguire.
(Par of) Booster will even appear on the issue's alternate cover by David Marquez:
Booster and Beetle! Ice and Fire! Batman and Mister Miracle?
I have not enjoyed King's treatment of the JLI in the Human Target mini-series so far, so I can't honestly say that I'm enthusiastic about reading this. But I will definitely be buying it to look at Maguire's pictures when the book comes out on August 23, 2022.
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Monday, September 27, 2021
This Post Title Has Been Delayed
We were told to expect Blue and Gold #3 this week, and still says it's coming. But — and this is a big "but" — DC's distributor,, says otherwise. And has removed the issue from their site entirely.
So what I'm saying is don't expect to find Blue and Gold at your Local Comic Shop this week. Maybe next week? Maybe?
However, there is some good news for Booster boosters. Both Booster and Beetle are on the David Marquez cover of this week's Justice League #68!
(If this looks familiar, it's because we took a first look at the grinning mugs of Booster Gold and Blue Beetle in the original line art back in June.)
At least the boys have a good excuse for being late. It's not every week they get to hang out with the A-listers.
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Monday, June 14, 2021
Just Us Friends
Over the weekend @preyofbirdsdc tweeted what may be David Marquez's cover for September's Justice League #68. Whether that is true or not — we'll probably find out for sure when DC releases September solicitations in 2 weeks — the important part is who's pictured in it.
You see them there? No, not Fire and Ice there in the middle. (Hi, Fire! Hi, Ice!) Over to the side, just over smirking Batman's shoulder: it's Blue and Gold!
Such clowns!
If it turns out this *is* the cover for Justice League #68, I guess that means I'll be buying at least one Justice League comic this September.
(Special thanks to @dailybluegold for highlighting our heroes in this art.)
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