Booster Gold
“Turbulence, Part One”
Volume 2, Issue 44, July 2011
Released May 18, 2011
Cover Price: $2.99
Estimated Issue Sales: 23,332
Writer: Dan Jurgens
Penciller: Dan Jurgens
Inker: Norm Rapmund
Colorist: Hi-Fi Designs
Letterer: Carlos M. Mangual
Editor: Rex Ogle
Cover Artists: Hi-Fi Designs, Dan Jurgens, Norm Rapmund
Heroes: Booster Gold, Dane Dorrance, Nicky Walton, Rip Hunter
Villain: Doomsday
Supporting: Michelle Carter, Skeets II
Settings: Coast City, DCU, USA, 21st-century; Rip Hunter's AZ Lab, DCU, USA , 21st-century
Cover Description: Booster Gold flies before four panels featuring heroes and locations of Flashpoint. The cover of the second printing of this issue is the same as the original cover tinted red.
Brief Synopsis: Booster Gold is stranded in an alternate timeline.
Booster Gold's role in this story:
Featured (Booster Gold plays a prominent role)
Costume Worn: MARK I.v2 power-suit
Issue Notes: Flashpoint tie-in. This issue sold out of its original printing and was reprinted with a slightly altered cover.
This story has been reprinted in:
Flashpoint: The World of Flashpoint Featuring Superman (2012)
Page 2, panel 1
Booster Gold has arrived in Coast City to a uncomfortably warm reception of anti-aircraft fire. The explosions that Booster sees are exploding anti-aircraft shells detonating at a pre-determined altitude in the hopes of damaging an aircraft's delicate flight systems.
Page 4, panel 1
The word "flak" is an acronym derived from the German Fliegerabwehrkanone, an anti-aircraft weapon used during the second World War.
[According to Boosterrific.com contributor Morgenstern: "Fliegerabwehrkanone is a possible (full)name for Flak, but FLUGabwehrkanone would be "more correct". Both are right, but the last one would be more "normal" (from a German language perspective)."]
Page 4, panel 2
Booster Gold was present for the destruction of Coast City (twice!) in Booster Gold, Volume 2, #29.
Page 5, panel 2
Skeets and Booster note the population count before and after the bombing of Coast City to be nearly 7 and 3 million, respectively, though they don't disclose whether they are discussing the population within the incorporated city limits or the greater metropolitan area. New York is the only city in America with a population greater than 7 million people within its incorporated city limits; the second closest is Los Angeles, with under 4 million in its city limits. In contrast, it is estimated that nearly 18 million people live in each of the 7,000 square mile New York Metropolitan area and the 34,000 square mile Greater Los Angeles area. The American metropolitan area closest to a population of 7 million according to the 2010 census is the 9,000 square mile Dallas-Fort Worth metropolitan area.
Page 7, panel 1
HIS STORY: This flashback of Jon Carter striking his wife in front of children Michael and Michelle is the earliest event event seen to date in the history of Booster Gold.
Page 7, panel 5
Though Booster's foe is not identified, it looks similar to the android Ace, the member of the Royal Flush Gang that Booster defeated to earn membership in the Justice League in Justice League #4. Skeets was not present for that battle.
Page 8, panel 1
Despite what Booster says about being "stuck in the minors" during his tenure with the Justice League, respected heroes Batman and Martian Manhunter were his teammates. Team member Guy Gardner was the official Green Lantern of Earth at the time, and both Wonder Woman and Superman would join the team at later points. At the time, the League was even officially sanctioned by the United Nations, a status highly prized by most world countries.
Page 8, panel 3
Booster Gold, Rip Hunter, and Supernova fought Mister Mind in the series 52.
Page 9, panel 1
Booster Gold meets Dane Dorrance and Nicky Walton, two members of the Sea Devils. The Sea Devils are a team of independent undersea adventurers in the DC Universe who first appeared in Showcase #27 in 1960.
Page 9, panel 4
"Jarhead" is a nickname specifically referring to members of the United States Marine Corp. The Sea Devils are working with the United States military, but it is not clear for which branch of the armed forces they are working. Historically, the Sea Devils have not been Marines, but history means little to the alternate timeline of Flashpoint.
Page 11, panel 4
Skeets postulates that Booster has been transported into "one of the other 52 universes." Despite what Skeets says, there are only 52 known universes in the current DC Multiverse, not 53.
Page 12, panel 3
POWER UP: Skeets takes direct control of Booster's Mark I.v2 power suit, an ability not demonstrated since Skeets' artificial intelligence was used as the operating system the Mark X power suit.
Page 13, panel 1
SCHOOL'S IN: Booster is seen in flashback discussing the contents of Rip Hunter's prescient chalkboard with Hunter and Michelle Carter in Rip Hunter's Arizona Time Lab. According to the narrative balloon, these events must have taken place soon after the conclusion to Time Masters: Vanishing Point #6. However, the events of Justice League: Generation Lost also take place after the conclusion of Time Masters: Vanishing Point #6. Since Generation Lost cannot conclude without the resolution of Vanishing Point, and it is unlikely that the events of Flashpoint overlap the events of Generation Lost (Flashpoint did not begin publication until after Generation Lost ended publication), some time must have elapsed between the conclusion of Vanishing Point and the current story.
Page 14, panel 1
While Booster is looking in the refrigerator, the timeline changes around him. Somehow he fails to notice that the refrigerator itself has changed. Perhaps coincidentally, the time machine in the first draft of the screenplay for the movie Back to the Future -- where a trip through time changes history -- was also a refrigerator. Like Back to the Future, Booster Gold first debuted in 1985.
Page 18, panel 3
POWER DOWN: It appears Skeets damages itself after generating a "chronal field" to interact with Hunter's time platform. Is this a design flaw by Rip Hunter? Did Hunter fail to consider that there may be no time platform in existence to respond to Skeets' field? Did Skeets do something wrong? No, that's not it. Skeets never does anything wrong.
Page 20, panel 1
Boosterrific Review: Much of this issue is groundwork for the Flashpoint event. Certainly story exposition is necessary, but it isn't necessarily exciting.
Boosterrific Rating: Gold Standard.
Average Fan Rating: (3 votes)
An issue intended to welcome new readers and set up the Flashpoint setting. Not particularly exciting, but not bad. I enjoyed seeing Jurgen's artwork again!
Is the black beetle involved? My guess is that this timeline is a way for him to get his hands on the blue scarab
I liked its more convoluted and expository side. It made the story seem like a big prologue but establishes Booster motivation and objective in the coming months!
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