It has been 137 Days since Booster Gold last appeared in an in-continuity DCU comic book.

Showing posts 1 - 5 of 13 matching: martian manhunter
Friday, March 15, 2024
My Favorite Pages: Justice League Intl 25
In addition to being the final issue of Justice League International volume 1 (next issue the team will be downsized to just Justice League America), Justice League International #25 is also the first book-length team-up between Booster Gold and Blue Beetle. Historic!
My favorite page comes early, which is probably not a surprise to those of you who know that Ty Templeton is one of my favorite artists. He only drew the intro and outro pages of this issue (over Keith Giffen's layouts), with the rest handled by Mike McKone (also over Giffen).
But it's not just the art I love; almost every panel on page 3 has its own punchline!
Despite the early (and often) jokes, the main plot of this team-up issue is a vampire hunt that turns into an overt criticism of Western consumer culture which, in Twilight Zone style, questions who the real monsters are on plane Earth. As Booster and Beetle (and the reader) will eventually realize, it just might be our heroes.
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Friday, December 8, 2023
My Favorite Pages: Martian Manhunter 4
Some days you just need a hug.
And a handshake from Batman seals the deal: Page 22 is definitely my favorite in Martian Manhunter #4.
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Friday, October 13, 2023
My Favorite Pages: Martian Manhunter 2
In addition to the issue's cover, Booster Gold appears on only one page in 1988's Martian Manhunter #2, which, by no coincidence, is my favorite page in the issue.
As unusual as it is, Mark Badger's art is a actually a pretty good match for J.M. DeMatteis' story about a rogue telepathic Martian god torturing the Justice League International. I'm not saying it's to my personal tastes, mind you, just that it is fitting.
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Friday, July 21, 2023
My Favorite Pages: Booster Gold 25
And so at last we reach the end of Booster Gold Volume 1. It is, without a doubt, the ugliest of all 25 original issues.
Robert Campanella's inks are not a good fit for Dan Jurgens' pencils, and even most of Jurgens' layouts are subpar. Either this issue was rushed through editorial to fit the aggressive Millennium publishing schedule, or all the visual artists involved were in a hurry to move on to greener pastures. Maybe both.
(In my opinion, this issue is the only one in volume one that I think looks definitively superior in the often careless recolored digital reprints over the original newsprint publication.)
It's really a shame about the art, because the Dan Jurgens' script deserves better. It hits all the right notes as it forces Booster to face the down-side of publicity (in an American fast food restaurant) with a Communist providing outside perspective.
It also cleverly draws in the Justice League characters Booster is closest to while setting our hero up for a triumphant come-back in the future. Both of those latter elements factor into my favorite page of Booster Gold #25 (especially Beetle's lecture in panel 2):
Yeah! What Beetle said!
That's what I like so much about Booster Gold. His path meanders, but he always gets to the right place in the end.
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Friday, February 24, 2023
My Favorite Pages: Justice League Annual 1
My favorite page from Justice League Annual #1 has little to do with Booster Gold directly but still relates very much with it means for him to be a member of the Justice League (as well as demonstrating why Martian Manhunter is the League's metaphorical heart).
Also, I really appreciate the placement of the "End," in no small part because Black Canary would not.
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