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Friday, September 15, 2023

Head Down Pencil Up

Posts have been light this week in large part because work has kept me so busy. That hasn't changed.

So today, as we head into the weekend, all I can offer is a couple of Booster sightings passed along to me this week by longtime Booster booster Rob Snow:

Booster sighting. New book called DC Periodic table. Booster, Ted and Rip all have profiles. No Skeets.

Officially, the book is called The Periodic Table of DC, and it comes to us by way of DK Publishing.

© DK Publishing

While DK thrives primarily on being the print equivalent of a CBR listicle, I cannot fault their presentations, which are always top notch. So although I have not yet seen this book myself, I suggest you hustle to pick one up at your local book store before all their copies argon. (Har, har.)

Later in the week, Rob wrote in again.

Nuther Booster sighting. Scott Kolins facebook page has killer Booster sketch.

Facebook and I no longer have a functional relationship, so I cannot see Kolins' post myself. Thankfully, Rob very kindly passed along a screenshot, which looks like this.

© Scott Kolins

If you get along with Facebook better than I do, maybe you can track down a better look.

Thanks a bunch, Rob.

UPDATE: D'oh! As Cort Carpenter points out in the comments, that Scott Kolins sketch was one of his commissions. In fact, I even posted it here on back in May 2020! You can see it at this link.

If I wasn't so wrapped up in work, I might have noticed that, but obviously I didn't. Oops. I usually make some effort search my own back catalog in order to bring you only the freshest Booster Gold news. There's probably some sort of lesson in here about life in general... but I'm too busy to figure out what that might be. In this case, at least the sketch is totally worth seeing a second time, as are most of Cort's commissions, which you can see at this link.

Thanks again to Cort for sharing his sketchbook with us, and, heck, for commissioning so many cool Booster Gold sketches that we can't even keep track of all of them!

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Monday, March 6, 2023

Absolutely Everything You Need to Know

On a recent trip to the bookstore, I discovered a DK book I hadn't seen before. Not that it's new.

DC Absolutely Everything You Need to Know by Liz Marsham, Melanie Scott, and others was released in 2018. That's how long ago Skeets was recognized as the Number 1 Robot Sidekick in the DCU (on page 143):

© DK Publishing

Interestingly, AEYNtK gives Skeets better press than Booster, who is indexed to four different pages but is pictured on none of them. Hey, at least he has the best sidekick.

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Thursday, July 14, 2011

New Releases: The Ultimate Character Guide

At my local comic shop yesterday, I saw that DC had teamed with DK Publishing to release a new encyclopedia, DC Comics: The Ultimate Character Guide. Like previous printings of DK's DC Comics Encyclopedia, this book contains an entry for Booster Gold.

© DC Comics/DK Publishing

As you can see, the character designs on the cover (as well as the interior pages you can't see) are the up-to-date pre-reboot designs, including Wonder Woman's pants-suit. You have to feel a little sorry for DK: preparing a book like this takes a lot of lead time, and DC announced their sweeping design changes just weeks before publication. If DC is serious about keeping the new costumes, this $16.99 tome is already archaic.

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