It has been 128 Days since Booster Gold last appeared in an in-continuity DCU comic book.

Showing posts 1 - 2 of 2 matching: brittany holzherr
Friday, December 24, 2021
Who You Gonna Call?
DC's Very Merry Multiverse #1 (2020)
Merry Christmas, everyone. May you be fortunate enough to spend it with the important people in your life.
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Wednesday, December 9, 2020
New Release: DC's Very Merry Multiverse
When DC released the solicitation for today's DC's Very Merry Multiverse holiday anthology back in September, they completely failed to tell us that it contains a story featuring the greatest restaurant manager the world has never known!
"Twas the Night" is a short story taking place in the Planet Krypton restaurant of the Kingdom Come continuity of Earth-22 which is not to be confused with the Planet Krypton restaurant of the mainstream DCU as seen in The Kingdom. (And they say comic books are too convoluted. Pshaw!)
The 8-page story was written by Brittany Holzherr, the associate editor for both "The Gift" and Heroes in Crisis. My opinions of those stories are well known, but I'm not holding them against Holzherr, who seems to have learned all the right lessons: once again she's working with some great artists in Todd Nauck, Hi-Fi, Andworld Designs!
There's a preview of the anthology's first story (Harley Quinn in "It's a Horrible Life") online at, but do yourself a favor and just buy this very Boosterrific issue anyway. You'll make Skeets — and yourself — merry indeed.
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