It has been 131 Days since Booster Gold last appeared in an in-continuity DCU comic book.

Showing posts 1 - 5 of 17 matching: beefcake
Friday, January 31, 2025
My Favorite Pages: Justice League Europe 34
Sure, Justice League Europe #34 has a full page of heartwarming interactions between Blue Beetle and Booster Gold. (That's page 18 if you go looking.) But that's not my favorite page in the issue.
And, yeah, on page 2, Booster gets a cool pose in which he calls the Conglomerate into action. But that's not my favorite page, either.
And the interaction between Booster and Lobo on page 9 should at least get an honorable mention.
But I've got to say that my favorite page in the whole issue is page 5, all because of Booster's expression on panel 4:
Wait, why is Despero's purple butt hidden in flames, but Fire's green butt fully visible? Her whole gimmick is being covered in flames!
Extra credit to Martian Manhunter for really selling that scene. You can always count on J'onn!
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Friday, December 15, 2023
My Favorite Pages: Justice League Intl 17
Justice League International #17 has a delightful sequence in which Booster Gold escapes from prison by using just his Legion Flight Ring... while he's not even wearing it!
But that's not my favorite page in the issue.
No, my favorite page is one that takes place shortly after Booster and Blue Beetle have re-united with Batman (disguised as Maxwell Lord because, aw, just read it). Page 8:
If you ask me, Booster, "Catcher of All the Beautiful Half-Naked Girls That Fall Out of the Sky" sure would look good on a resume.
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Monday, June 26, 2023
Chewing Gum and Bailing Wire
Ok, so over the weekend, while trying to fix one malingering back-end code problem here at (stupid, stupid spam filters), I discovered that another of my recent-ish changes had resulted in a bunch of bad internal links. Specifically, following links on a character's list of shared Booster Gold appearances could take you to the bio of an entirely different character. Oops.
Now, I think I've got both problems are fixed. Going forward, if you do click an internal link here on and it doesn't take you where you think it was supposed to take you — for example, if a link promising Harley Quinn takes you instead to *ahem* the Sea Devils — please do me a favor and drop me a note, either in a blog post comment or via the Boosterrific Contact form so that I can fix it. Thank you for your help in making Boosterrific better.
And just so you don't leave this post thinking that has nothing to offer today other than malfunctioning code and hijacked links, here's a seasonally appropriate piece of delightful Blue and Gold fan art by Melonnabar (from Tumblr via Reddit):
It tickles me that they wear bathing suits that give away their secret identities. Very subtle, boys.
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Monday, May 22, 2023
Summer Vacation
Don't expect to see Booster Gold in any of this week's books. Don't expect to see him in any book in August, either.
DC released their August solicitations last week with nary a Booster in sight. Nor even a Dan Jurgens credit, which is important because Jurgens has historically been the one to sneak Booster back into the spotlight.
To be fair, most of the August books tie-in to the Knight Terrors event, and I can't say I'm sad that Booster looks to be missing out on that. (Perhaps he'll show up as a cameo appearance in someone else's nightmare?)
August does have a one-shot G'nort's Illustrated Swimsuit special. Could we see Booster in that? G'nort was Booster's Justice League International teammate for a while, and no hero in the DCU looks better in a swimsuit than our hero, as demonstrated in 2020's DC Cybernetic Summer!
And even if we don't have new comics coming, we've still got plenty of old comics to read. Comics like 2014's Scribblenauts Unmasked: A Crisis of Imagination #7. I didn't know about that one until J told me last week. Thanks, J.
Keep your eyes peeled, Booster boosters. You never know where you'll find Booster Gold next!
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Friday, October 21, 2022
My Favorite Pages: Booster Gold 13
I hope you're in the mood for some T&A today!
Booster Gold #13 is the only time Gary Martin ever inked a Booster Gold adventure, and the difference between it and what came before is striking. Take page 10 as an example:
Surgically clean lines, heavy black shadowing, and screentone gradients all contribute to a fittingly moody environment as a weakened Booster Gold struggles back into the super-hero saddle.
Or maybe that mood is just the sexual tension between scantily-clad Trixie and full-moon Booster?
"Ready to go," indeed!
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