It has been 128 Days since Booster Gold last appeared in an in-continuity DCU comic book.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020
New Releases: Superman 19, Hell Arisen 2
Booster Gold hasn't been in a new release in weeks, so I hope you've been saving your money. Because he's in three titles today!
Logan Peterson, a longtime friend of this site, dropped me a line to say
I just finished skimming through the new comics coming out tomorrow as I was sorting through them at my store, and I made some exciting discoveries! Booster appears in not one, but two of tomorrow's releases: Superman #19 and Year of the Villain: Hell Arisen #2. I won't say anything to spoil them, but I wanted to give you the heads up!
I had suspected that Booster might show up in Superman (in response to some recent, high-profile events in the life of the Man of Tomorrow), but the appearance in Hell Arisen is a total surprise. (The way Logan words that leads me to believe that it might not be an entirely welcome one. But then, the book is titled Hell Arisen.)
This is the solicitation text for Year of the Villain: Hell Arisen #2:
Apex predator Lex Luthor is on the hunt for the Batman Who Laughs. To catch his prey, he must follow a trail of broken heroes... leading him to Jim Gordon, one of the victims of the Batman Who Laughs' deadly virus that turned the heroic police commissioner into the worst version of himself. The trail leads Lex to a lonely cell in the Hall of Justice - but it's not the good guys who come to stop him. It's more of the Batman Who Laughs' dangerous operatives! And if they couldn't resist the influence of the Dark Multiverse, then how can Lex?
And while we're at it, this is for Superman #19:
One day later! What happens the day after Superman reveals his secret identity to the world? And what repercussions will his decision have across the entire DC Universe? Plus, Superman: president of Earth?
Wait a second. "President of Earth"? Is that a thing? I don't remember voting for that.
Anyway, what Logan failed to mention in his note is that Booster will also be featured in the new collection Justice League International Book One: Born Again, which reprints Justice League #1-6, Justice League International #7-17, Justice League Annual #1, Justice League International Annual #2, and Suicide Squad #13. That's a whole bunch of great 1980s Booster Gold adventures reprinted on good paper for the very reasonable (modern) price of $2 per comic.
Buy one of those and make Skeets happy! (Thanks, Logan.)
UPDATE: As you can see in the comments, Booster has also been spotted in Batman/Superman #6. He's everywhere!
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