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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

New Releases: DCU Online Legends #22

Morgenstern spotted Booster Gold in the preview pages DC teased on The Source for today's release of DC Universe Online Legends #22. The events of this series are out of continuity (taking place in an alternate timeline) as they fill in the back-story for the DC Universe Online video game.

It was only a matter of time before Booster appeared in this series. He plays a significant role in the game as the tour guide for Metropolis and Gotham cities, leading players to landmarks across the DCU. Recording those sessions must have kept the Corporate Crusader too busy to participate in saving this alternate world until now.

The game is now free to play on your PC, and can be downloaded from However, the comic will cost you $2.99, whether you buy a floppy copy in your Local Comic Shop or a digital copy online at

Buy this comic and make the DC Universe Online version of Skeets happy.

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Wednesday, January 4, 2012

New Releases: Justice League International #5

The first week of the new year brings the conclusion to the battle between the JLI and Peraxxus in Justice League International #5, or so solicitations for next month's issue would have us believe. Perhaps a more pressing question is still "who is the woman in black on the cover?"

© DC Comics © DC Comics

The last time we saw the woman in black on a solicited cover, she was removed from the final product. This time she remains on the final cover (as seen on DC's The Source blog). Is she a new character to the title or an editorial oversight? Buy this issue and satisfy Skeets' curiosity.

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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

New Releases: All Sold Out

DC has announced that every single issue of the DCnU relaunch has sold out from the distributor. Since all 39 of the issues released so far have sold out and gone on to a second printing, there is no reason not to think that the 13 new #1 issues being released today won't sell out. If you want a paper copy of a new issue, you'd best rush to your Local Comic Shop with cash in hand. These things are selling fast.

Of course, all of these titles are still available digitally. If you don't want to fight the crowds, you can get a copy of any DCnU #1 online at That was part of the point of this whole relaunch, right? Wherever Skeets is, surely he's reading his copy of Justice League International #1 digitally; it's the futuristic thing to do.

[EDIT: Sorry this post is late. Let's just blame it on lingering software errors and never discuss it again.]

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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

New Look Booster Gold

DC released this teaser image of Booster Gold yesterday at The Source.

© DC Comics

Putting together yesterday's image of the Phillip-ized Booster Gold had me convinced that Booster's new costume was worse than I had previously realized. Fortunately, seeing Booster in a more conventional DC style is something of a soothing balm for my panic. Somewhat.

More curiously, in the full image, Booster is clearly standing near Plastic Man, Hawk, and Frankenstein's Monster. Is the Justice League International the DCnU's equivalent of television's Justice League Unlimited team where every DC hero is a member? I hate to be an optimist, but this could be good.

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Thursday, August 4, 2011

Shop or Die

Yesterday, DC announced on The Source that Flashpoint #5 and Justice League, Volume 2, #1 will be released at 12:01 AM on August 31. DC encourages you to "check your local comic book store for any special events that may be occurring." So the post-Flashpoint era begins with a yawn.

Locally, the last Wednesday of August has been a school night for decades, and I'm sure we're not the only area. That means the teenage and younger target audience that DC says it wants will be largely excluded from events that start after midnight in many, many locations. Sounds like DC is after a different audience for this launch.

If DC calculates the kids will just be downloading the books anyway, maybe the company hopes that this stunt will appease the rest of us who like going to comic shops. Most of the comic book readers I know have full-time jobs and the schedule to match. Some will be unable to attend, and others that do will be sacrificing sleep to do so, all for a few books most of them will be having their local comic shops pull for them anyway.

Keep in mind that this is no "Death of Superman" event: it's just an early on-sale date for a book that most Americans are going to completely ignore. But DC doesn't have to pay the employees who are going to hang around for those long hours, so what do they care? No, this burden is on the comic shop owners, very few of which would typically be open after midnight on an early Wednesday morning.

All of these facts seem to indicate that this artificial event is designed to fail. I had assumed that DC wanted comic retailers to be able to compete with, but I wouldn't have expected this to be the way they planned to do it.

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