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It has been 135 Days since Booster Gold last appeared in an in-continuity DCU comic book.

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Showing posts 1 - 5 of 29 matching: dc universe online

Friday, January 13, 2017

Six Years Later, DC Universe Is Still Online

It caught my attention earlier this week that DC Universe Online, the massive multiplayer online video game from Daybreak Game Company (formerly Sony Online Entertainment), is celebrating its 6th anniversary. No celebration of time would be complete without Booster Gold!

Says, the game's official website:

Booster Gold is filling up Time Capsules with lots of useful and exciting items to send through the Multiverse to you!

The current in-game event where you can earn Stabilizer Fragments is "Antimatter Research." The Anti-Monitor is sending his Qwardian allies to weaken the Earth, and it is up to you to stop them.

Once you use a stabilizer to open a capsule, you'll see what sort of goodies Booster Gold has sent to you!

These Time Capsules first appeared in August of 2016, meaning that in recent months, Booster Gold has appeared on television shows and in video games, but not comic books. I didn't think I'd live to see the day!

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Friday, January 15, 2016

Booster Gold Coming to Xbox One

It's been five years since the debut of DC Universe Online, the free-to-play MMORPG set in the DC Universe. Booster Gold has been the game's tour guide since the beginning, and both he and the game are still going strong.

To celebrate, the game is introducing new content based on the DC Legends of Tomorrow television show. The game will also finally be debuting on the Xbox One, removing the final obstacles for any Booster Gold fans who haven't played the game yet. (What have you been waiting for?)

Read more about these celebration plans at

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Wednesday, July 29, 2015

In Absence of News, We'll Take Implication

According to Catrina Dennis, DC Universe Online's Creative Director, Jens Andersen, has hinted that there may be new Booster Gold-themed DLC coming to the MMO video game in future months.

While discussing what television-related projects gamers might see, Andersen said:

"Well, 'Legends of Tomorrow' has Rip Hunter in it... so you never know when Booster Gold might show up."

So... maybe Booster Gold, maybe not.

You can read the whole article about the current, Booster Gold-less "The Bombshell Paradox" DLC for DC Universe Online as well as the aforementioned tease for upcoming DLC releases at

And if you still haven't played the game itself, you can sign up to play for free at

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Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Booster Gold Speaks German

Add linguist to the list of Booster Gold's accomplishments:

Obviously, this is from the German language version of DC Universe Online. There are several of these audio clips online, if you want more. I chose to share the one with Booster Gold talking about Chinatown in German, because.... Well, just because.

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Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Booster Gold Speaks Again and Again

DeAtHmkw has recently uploaded to YouTube all of the audio from Booster Gold's exploration missions in DC Universe Online. If you haven't played DC Universe Online but you are interested in listening to Booster Gold play the role of humorous tour guide for Metropolis and Gotham City, these links are for you.

(Be forewarned of two things: 1) These clips haven't been edited together in any order. 2) These clips are of the second Booster Gold voice. A different voice actor was used during the game's first year, and this second voice is less subtle.)

Gotham City:


As a bonus, here are some other Booster audio clips:

Happy listening!

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