The following list represents the 363 villains Booster Gold has encountered. Notes on methodology for the entries can be found here.
First Appearance: Mystery in Space #87, 1963
First Meeting with Booster Gold: Justice League Quarterly #9, 1992
Encounters with Booster Gold: 1
Ira Quimby adopted his initials, I.Q., as his codename when he assumed a life of crime, using his mad genius to confound the JUSTICE LEAGUE.
Booster Gold and several other members of the Justice League were exposed to a potentially deadly I.Q. engineered virus. Quimby took much pleasure in taunting the potentially infected heroes.
First Appearance: Superman, Vol. 2, #153, 2000
First Meeting with Booster Gold: JLA: Our Worlds At War #1, 2001
Encounters with Booster Gold: 1
Imperiex, also known as the Devourer of Galaxies, is the personification of universal entropy.
When Imperiex threatened the existence of Earth, the heroes of Earth untied to oppose him. Alongside fellow members of the JUSTICE LEAGUE, Booster Gold fought an Imperiex Probe, a remote version of Imperiex Prime, in Russia.
First Appearance: Justice League International, Vol. 1, #23, 1989
First Meeting with Booster Gold: Justice League International #23, 1989
Membership: Big Sir, Clock King, Cluemaster, Major Disaster, Mighty Bruce, Multi-Man
In an attempt to fuel his own schemes for power, Major Disaster formed his own team of super villains. His mostly inept team would eventually reform their ways and with MAXWELL LORD's blessing join the JUSTICE LEAGUE as the Antarctica branch.
Booster Gold and the Justice League were present to ruin the very first schemes of the Injustice League before the team of evil doers could ever properly get off the ground.
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