The following list represents the 363 villains Booster Gold has encountered. Notes on methodology for the entries can be found here.
First Appearance: Justice League America, Vol. 1, #78, 1993
First Meeting with Booster Gold: Justice League America #88, 1994
Membership: Brute, Cloudburst, Death Angel, Gunshot, Meanstreak
Seemingly returned from the dead, Dreamslayer (see EXTREMISTS) assembled a new team of Extremists to oppose the JUSTICE LEAGUE.
Booster Gold and the Justice League battled the New Extremists multiple times, both in America and abroad, before it was revealed that they had joined the OVERMASTER as members of his second Cadre.
First Appearance: Booster Gold, Vol. 2, #38, 2011
First Meeting with Booster Gold: Booster Gold, Vol. 2, #38, 2011
Encounters with Booster Gold: 2
Doctor Nishtikeit was a scientist rumored to be developing a teleportation ray for the Nazis in Italy during World War II.
Booster Gold aided General Glory (see JUSTICE LEAGUE) and his sidekick Ernie the Battlin' Boy II against Doctor Nishtikeit in 1943 before the mad scientist could use a stolen Time Sphere (see RIP HUNTER) to win World War II.
First Appearance: Blue and Gold #7, 2022
First Meeting with Booster Gold: Blue and Gold #7, 2022
Encounters with Booster Gold: 1
Nullifex uses his combination of incredible strength, near invulnerability, and disintegrating eye-beams "to erase what is."
Although SKEETS has a database of "almost 1,000 years of data," Nullifex was a complete unknown when the villain burst on the scene, rampaging through New York City as a pawn in the schemes of the Black Beetle.
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