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It has been 138 Days since Booster Gold last appeared in an in-continuity DCU comic book.

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Showing posts 1 - 4 of 4 matching: steve lieber

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Old New Old Release: Teen Titans Academy Vol 1

Booster Gold made only the tiniest appearance in Teen Titans Academy #4, but it was a pretty cool one.

© DC Comics

The headshot you see in the above panel originated as a Cort Carpenter commission (for his Booster Gold Sketchbook, 'natch) from artist Steve Lieber, and Lieber later incorporated the piece into the issue in that issue's art.

Steve Lieber working over Steve Lieber

If knowing that makes you also want to support Lieber's work, you should also know that issue #4 (and an even briefer peek in the following issue) should be now available at your Local Comic Shop as part of the Teen Titans Academy Volume 1: X Marks the Spot reprint collection.

Support your favorite artists!

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Friday, July 30, 2021

A Speck of Gold

On Wednesday, I showed you this panel created by Steve Lieber for the June 2021 issue of Teen Titans Academy #4:

© DC Comics

Seeing that panel, Cort Carpenter realized that the Booster Gold headshot looked incredibly similar to one he had commissioned from Lieber last year (previously shared with on October 19, 2020):

Booster Gold by Steve Lieber for Cort Carpenter

They do look alike, don't they? My first impression was that Cort's commission was a study used for the new work, but closer inspection makes it clear that Lieber used his earlier black and white commission as the foundation for the new piece of digital art. Just to make it clearer, here's a gif of the two pieces overlaid:

Steve Lieber working over Steve Lieber

Isn't that cool? You can even see where Lieber erased his signature when adding color. Cort's commission is now a piece of original comic art. How often does that happen?

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Monday, October 19, 2020

Keeping a Stiff Upper Lip

I was having a particularly bad week — which makes me no different than 90% of the global population this unendurable 2020 — when I received a pleasantly unexpected email from Cort Carpenter with a new batch of Boosterrific sketches from his Booster Gold sketchbook.

Booster Gold by Reilly Brown for Cort Carpenter
Reilly Brown

Booster Gold by Adam Gorham for Cort Carpenter
Adam Gorham

Booster Gold by Steve Lieber for Cort Carpenter
Steve Lieber

Booster Gold by Mike Norton for Cort Carpenter
Mike Norton

Booster Gold by Dave Stokes for Cort Carpenter
Dave Stokes

... and another by Dave Stokes
Booster Gold by Dave Stokes for Cort Carpenter

And one by Cort himself!
Booster Gold by Cort Carpenter for Cort Carpenter

Good timing, Cort. It's hard to feel down while looking at that many smiling faces.

You can see these and many, many more at Cort's online Booster Gold sketchbook on

Comments (1) | Add a Comment | Tags: adam gorham blue beetle commissions cort carpenter dave stokes fan art mike norton reilly brown skeets steve lieber

Friday, October 19, 2018

Cort's Vancouver Fan Expo Sketchbook

Booster booster and art collector Cort was at Vancouver Fan Expo last week, and he picked up several Boosterrific sketches that he's willing to share with us:

John Delaney draws Booster Gold for Cort
Pia Guerra draws Booster Gold for Cort
Steve Lieber draws Booster Gold for Cort
Mike McKone draws Booster Gold for Cort

Artists and Cort's comments are, from left to right, John Delaney ("He did this all from memory"), Pia Guerra ("She enjoyed doing the collar"), Steve Lieber ("Funny and generous"), and Mike McKone ("Probably the best Booster I've seen him do!"). Click on any of the above sketches to see larger images on

That's truly a great haul, Cort. Congratulations!

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