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Showing posts 1 - 3 of 3 matching: ngozi ukazu

Monday, December 30, 2019

Year in Review 2019

In my ongoing efforts to make the best blog it can be, I find it useful to look back at which posts over the previous year made the biggest splashes with readers. Here, in descending order, are the 5 most read blog posts of 2019:

5. Friday, May 3: No Laughing Matter
In which we wonder if Booster Gold might play a role in the "Batman Who Laughs" story in coming issues of Batman/Superman. We now know the answer: he doesn't.

4. Monday, August 19: New Heroes of the Millennium
In which we get a good look at Bryan Hitch and Alex Sinclair's combined covers for Legion of Super-Heroes: Millennium. Booster Gold, front and center!

3. Monday, April 29: Statler and Waldorf in Blue and Gold
In which I shared fan art by Neil R. King of the two best Muppets cosplaying as Blue Beetle and Booster Gold. That's not something you see every day. (Thank goodness!)

2. Monday, December 16: Why Don't They Just Get Married Already
In which we learn that Booster Gold will be returning to the pages of Harley Quinn in March 2020. People just love that Harley Quinn.

1. Monday, March 25: Was DC Looking to Boostle?
In which we learn that Check Please! creator Ngozi Ukazu came surprisingly close to working on a Blue+Gold Boostle comic for DC. We got Heroes in Crisis instead.

See you in 2020.

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Monday, March 25, 2019

Was DC Looking to Boostle?

In a recent interview with SyFy Wire, Ngozi Ukazu revealed she almost had a job at DC writing for Blue and Gold.

SyFy: There's a rumor that one of the Big Two came knocking after your second huge Kickstarter. What happened with that?

Ukazu: It was actually DC Comics that came knocking and it just didn't work out. And that was fine. I think one reason it didn't work out is because I made a lot of demands. My attitude was like, "I don't have to work for you guys."

SyFy: Because you had a Kickstarter that just made $350,000.

Ukuzu: I'd love to write a Blue Beetle/Booster Gold epic. But if y'all don't want to collaborate, then we don't have to. I really like those comics but it just didn't work out.

Ukuzu has made quite a name for herself with her creator-owned, character-driven, award-winning Check Please! webcomic that follows the misadventures of a young gay man finding his way in the world of collegiate hockey. Given her oeuvre and her success at building a devoted audience, it would have been interesting to see what she might have created if DC had given her the green light. Could we have had an official, DC-sponsored Boostle?

Whatever her plans, we'll never know exactly how close DC came to signing on, nor should we read too much into the fact that DC was holding talks about a new Booster Gold comic. It happens all the time. For example, last year, writer Tony Lee, perhaps most strongly associated with Doctor Who comics, revealed via Twitter that he also had talks with DC sometime in the past decade about rebooting Booster. That obviously never happened either.

The takeaway is that DC is always exploring new avenues to merchandise their characters. Sooner or later, when the company feels that the idea and artists are right, Booster Gold will be back making monthly appearance on the racks of your Local Comic Shop.

You can read the whole Ukazu interview by Kamara Horne at

UPDATE 2019-03-25: Ukazu confirmed the meeting and her plans via Twitter.

YUP! It's true. DC Comics and I could've collaborated. Editors are well aware of (a) Boostle and (b) how much I wanted to write Boostle. -- @ngoziu 2019-03-25

Who knows? Maybe she'll get a chance eventually.

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Friday, July 1, 2016

Long Weekend with Friends

There will be no post on Monday, as I'll be away from the keyboard until after Independence Day. Enjoy this Blue and Gold sketch from Ngozi until I return.

Blue and Gold by Ngozi

(I can only hope my friends and I have so much fun this weekend!)

You can find more work from Ngozi on Instagram.

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