Harley Quinn
“Crisis Killer”
Volume 3, Issue 67, January 2020
Released November 6, 2019
Cover Price: $3.99
Estimated Issue Sales: 30,377

Writer: Sam Humphries
Artist: Sami Basri
Pencillers: Tom Derenick, Dan Jurgens, Aaron Lopresti
Inkers: Norm Rapmund, Matt Ryan, Trevor Scott
Colorist: Hi-Fi Designs
Letterer: Dave Sharpe
Assistant Editor: Andrea Shea
Editors: Alex Antone, Brian Cunningham
Cover Description: This book has an acetate outer cover featuring art of Harley Quinn falling in some sort of power suit. The inner art has a more familiar Harley falling. Neither cover features Booster Gold.
Booster Gold's role in this story:
Supporting (Booster Gold plays a lesser role)
Costume Worn: MARK I.v2 power-suit
Issue Notes: Booster Gold appears in this issue only as a character in a comic book owned by Harley Quinn.
Story Notes: In this meta-textural comic-within-a-comic story, both Harley and Booster appear to be aware of themselves as comic book characters. They interact with the history of the DC Universe in a non-canonical way.
This story has been reprinted in:
Harley Quinn: The Final Trial (2020)
Page 2, panel 1
In a comic book within this comic book, Booster Gold and Harley Quinn fall through time on their way to revisit (and prevent) the original Crisis on Infinite Earths. Booster's presence here is never fully explained. Presumably he was included simply to give Harley a means to travel through time.
Page 3, panel 2
Because of Harley's impatience, they accidentally end up at Martian Manhunter's funeral during Final Crisis. (This is actually the third time we've seen Booster Gold at the Manhunter's funeral, which also appeared in Final Crisis: Requiem.) This art was created by Dan Jurgens and Norm Rapmund. "Present" Booster Gold has a high collar, while "Past" Booster Gold has no collar.
Page 11, panel 1
Next, Booster and Harley end up in Alexander Luthor's pocket dimension prior to the events of Infinite Crisis. This art was created by Aaron Lopestri and Matt Ryan. Booster Gold appears sans collar. Did Harley bring the wrong Booster into the past?
Page 17, panel 2
Booster and Harley finally reach their goal, the events of Crisis on Infinite Earths. (Note that the Crisis takes place before Booster Gold was introduced to the DC Universe.) This art was created by Tom Derenick and Trevor Scott. Booster once again wears his (period appropriate) high-collar.
Page 17, panel 4
Harley's plan is to stop Dr. Light from defeating the Anti-Monitor, thus causing Crisis comic book sales to plummet therefore preventing future event books that will dominate publishing cycles for decades to come.
Page 18, panel 1
Page 20, panel 1
Meredith Clatterbuck is credited as writer, editor, penciller, embellisher (inker), and colorist of the fictional comic book in this issue. Jonni DC, DC Comics' original "Continuity Cop," is given letterer credit.
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