It has been 137 Days since Booster Gold last appeared in an in-continuity DCU comic book.

Showing posts 1 - 5 of 8 matching: heroclix
Monday, June 3, 2024
Tiny Statues to Greatness
The Blot has alerted us that in anticipation of the imminent release of the DC HeroClix: Masters of Time set in July, the WizKids website now has an image of the set's new Booster Gold figure!
Hmm, those are some thick boots. But at least it's not the New 52 costume.
Interestingly, other pictured figures in this set include Animal Man, who has a costume styled similarly to Booster's, and Mister Mind, who has an, um, complicated relationship with Skeets. (See: 52 Week 51.)
Thanks, Blot!
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Wednesday, February 21, 2024
The Future Is Written in Chalk
Speaking of the Jurassic League....
Booster booster The Blot of has his finger on the pulse of the world of collectibles and writes us with breathless anticipation:
Have you heard about the upcoming DC HeroClix series, Masters of Time!?! There’s gotta be a Booster figure in the set right? They haven’t unveiled the whole line up yet, but have shown a few figures. The series will include Rip Hunter and his chalk board!!! That’s basically a Booster Gold release right?
I cannot deny that's certainly a Dan Jurgens' Booster Gold Volume 2-era Rip Hunter drawing come to (still) life.
Rip is just one of the 15 pre-release pieces pictured at, which says the set is scheduled for a 3rd quarter 2024 release, meaning we won't get a full list of figures probably until sometime closer to July and September. When released, the full set is advertised to contain
- 16 Common Figures
- 15 Uncommon Figures
- 12 Rare Figures (and 3 Rare Primes!)
- 13 Super Rare Figures (and 2 Super Rare Primes!)
- 7 Chase Figures
- 1 Ultra-Chase Figure
- 10 Colossal-Sized Jurassic Figures (exclusively in Jurassic Boosters!)
As you can see, the Jurassic League "colossal" figures are a central point of this "Masters of Time" set. Since we now know Booster will be crossing over with the Jurassic League in May (and Rip and Booster are family Time Masters), could a Booster Gold figure be in the set? We'll have to keep an eye out.
Thanks, Blot!
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Monday, March 2, 2020
JLU Booster Gold Heroclix Coming Soon
Over the weekend on Twitter, Booster booster The Blot Says called our attention to the upcoming line of Heroclix Justice League Unlimited. It's a good looking set based on one of the best cartoons ever made. (Hard to believe that the last episode was broadcast in 2006!)
Of course, I wouldn't have much to say about it if it wasn't for one figure in particular. Feast your eyes on this:
As you can see, that's just a computer rendering of the figure. Perhaps we'll get a picture of the actual product closer to its release in April. I'll keep you posted, because I'm sure you'll all want to get your own JLU Skeets.
In the meantime, if you want a better look at what else you'll find in the set, check out
Thanks, Blot.
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Monday, January 8, 2018
Collectibles Countdown
It's looking like a golden year for Booster boosters. In addition to our hero co-starring in Action Comics — another issue will be out this week! — we've also gotten several collectible figures.
First came the Previews Exclusive Funko Pop Blue Beetle and Booster Gold two-pack (sold in both standard and metallic variants). Those should now be available at your Local Comic Shop.
Then the much-discussed 12-inch Justice League Action arrived at (Order yours today!)
But that's not all! In addition to these other fine collectibles, Wiz Kids Games' released Heroclix Booster Golden Organized Play prize support late last month. That's right, there are new Booster Gold themed Heroclix, including Skeets!
Booster is a reuse of the same sculpt from last year's World's Finest set. However, this is the first standalone Skeets sculpt in the Heroclix line (which has been making DC characters since 2002).
Booster and Skeets are officially available only through tournament play at authorized specialty shops, but you can probably find them for resale on eBay and other secondary markets.
I hope you all have room in your collections for all the good stuff coming our way!
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Friday, February 26, 2016
World's Finest Blue and Gold
Big-time Booster backer The Blot has pointed out that I somehow neglected to show off the new Booster Gold figure available this month. Oops. He's right. Somehow, I completely forgot that there was a new Heroclix figure in stores as of February 10.
WizKids Games latest set of DC Comics Heroclix, "World's Finest," focuses on some classic (read: pre-New 52) characters. Included in the set were new figures for Booster Gold and Blue Beetle! As you can see at this preview on (which I had bookmarked and promptly forgot about in January, d'oh!), the pair are designed to work together as a team. World's Finest, indeed.
You can see the figure being unboxed in this official WizKids Games video.
Sorry, Blot and everyone else. I'll try to do better next time!
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