It has been 129 Days since Booster Gold last appeared in an in-continuity DCU comic book.

Showing posts 1 - 5 of 16 matching: death metal
Monday, June 19, 2023
New Releases: Absolute Dark Nights Death Metal
It wasn't until the weekend that I realized that I failed to make note of last week's release of the $100 Absolute Dark Nights Death Metal, the most recent collection of 2021's Dark Nights: Death Metal mini-series.
Although this is called the "Absolute" edition, it only covers the main seven issues (which were previously released in a $30 edition back in 2021) plus some art extras. To get the additional 10 one-shot tie-ins and the five Justice League tie-in issues, you'll have to wait until next year's Omnibus edition.
As for any Booster Gold appearances to be expected in this week's books... well, you've already got a lot to read, right?
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Wednesday, May 19, 2021
New Release: Superman Red and Blue 3
Great news, Booster boosters! Booster Gold is in this week's Superman: Red and Blue #3.
You can read a preview of the first few pages at, but we've already seen what we needed to see via
And while you're in your Local Comic Shop, know that Booster reprises his cover-only appearance from Dark Nights: Death Metal: The Last 52: War of the Multiverses on the reprint collection Dark Nights: Death Metal: War of the Multiverses, where he once again appears only on the cover. If nothing else, you've got to give him credit for consistency.
Buy these comics and make Skeets happy!
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Wednesday, April 7, 2021
New Release: Death Metal Deluxe Edition
Today at your Local Comic Shop: more Dark Nights: Death Metal!
Don't worry. DC isn't releasing new chapters of last year's Death Metal event. (At least not yet.) This is the first collect edition for the seven issues of the main Dark Nights Death Metal mini-series. DC is calling this one Dark Nights: Death Metal: Deluxe Edition (because someone at DC *loves* colons).
I don't know if the story will make any sense without the eleventy-something crossover tie-in one-shots, but come to thing of it, it didn't make much sense with them, either.
Booster Gold was in issues 3, 5, 6, and 7. Those are all cameo appearances, but Booster did get a couple of lines:
There are no small parts, only small heroes. Go get 'em, Booster!
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Wednesday, January 6, 2021
New Release: Generations Shattered
The big event is finally here! There's so much Booster Gold in this week's Generations: Shattered #1, he's on both covers!
You could read the preview at GamesRadar, but you don't really need that, do you?
And while you're shopping at your Local Comics Shop, you might want to consider picking up Dark Nights: Death Metal #7, not just because it's the last issue of the mini-series — at least until DC debuts the inevitable Dark Nights: Doom Metal: Now With Extra Colons next fall — but mainly because it has a panel of Booster Gold dancing!
Break it down, buster.
Buy these issues and make Skeets happy.
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Wednesday, December 30, 2020
New Release: DN:DM:tL52:WotM
I do not yet own a copy of yesterday's Dark Nights: Death Metal: The Last 52: War of the Multiverses #1, not because I couldn't make it to my Local Comic Shop but because they were shorted the issue in their weekly comic shipment. New distributor, same old problems. What a fitting way to end 2020.
Actually, that's not entirely true. (The part about the issue's availability, not 2020 sucking. 2020 objectively sucked.) My LCS did have 1 copy of the issue: the 1:25 variant Gary Frank cover. It looks great, but I'm not going to pay $40 for a comic in which Booster only appears on the cover. (Well, *maybe* if Dan Jurgens drew it....)
Yes, that's right: Booster appears on both the standard and retailer incentive variant covers of the issue without showing up on any pages inside. Has this happened before? I suppose I should be the one to know; According to the database, the answer is no. It figures that it would finally happen on a squarebound book with a $8.99 cover price. Another nice twist of the knife from 2020 on the way out the door. At least I still have my health.
While we're on the subject of books that Booster Gold doesn't appear in, I wouldn't be doing my duty as chronicler of all things Booster Gold if I didn't draw your attention to this sequence from pages 12 and 13 of this week's (surprisingly enjoyable) Jinny Hex Special #1:
words by Magdalene Visaggio, art by Gleb Menikov, Luis Guerrero, Gabriela Downie
No respect!
(It was not lost on me that in the story, Jinny "descendant of Jonah" Hex finds herself involved in shenanigans with a foe whose origins lie in the Old West. Booster Gold might have been the right ally to summon after all!)
Here's hoping we *all* have better luck next year, Booster boosters.
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