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Showing posts 1 - 5 of 12 matching: andrew kreisberg

Friday, December 1, 2017

Kreisberg Out at CW reported yesterday that Warner Bros has terminated their association with Andrew Kreisberg following a three week investigation into inappropriate behavior.

Though Kreisberg was most recently credited as Executive Producer on CW television shows The Flash, Arrow, Supergirl, and Legends of Tomorrow, fans of Booster Gold most likely know him as the writer of the Justice League Unlimited episode "The Greatest Story Never Told." Kreisberg was also attached to an attempt to sell a Booster Gold television show to Syfy in 2011. He has long been an avid promoter of our hero.

I had expressed disappointment last year when Greg Berlanti announced that Zack Stentz, not Kreisberg, would be the writer working on the latest attempt to get a Booster Gold movie off the ground. However, given the recent events, perhaps that was for the best. At least Kreisberg's ouster shouldn't harm Berlanti's prospects of getting its Booster Gold movie made.

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Friday, May 13, 2016

Booster Gold Movie Has New Writer?

There can be no more doubt about whether Warner Brothers is working on a Booster Gold movie. Yesterday, in an interview with Lacey Rose of the Hollywood Reporter, Legends of Tomorrow executive producer Greg Berlanti had this to say:

I'm attached to a few films [at Warner Bros.] now, and one, Booster Gold, is a DC property. Zack Stentz, who wrote an episode of Flash last year, just got the job, so he's writing the script now. I'd probably direct that, or I would want to.

Zack Stentz is perhaps better known as the writer of Thor and the new Power Rangers movie. I'm disappointed that Berlanti's associate Andrew Kreisberg, writer of Justice League Unlimited's "The Greatest Story Never Told" and SyFy's 2011 undeveloped Booster Gold television show, appears to be off the project, but I look forward to Stentz's take on our favorite hero.

(This interview confirms information first revealed earlier this week by

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Friday, February 5, 2016

Thank You, Green Lantern

Last week's announcement of Justice League Action reminds us that it's been ten years since Justice League Unlimited went off the air. To celebrate this sad anniversary, Darren Bonthuys at has listed his ten episodes that exemplify why JLU is the model that all future superhero cartoons should emulate. Included in his list is what is arguably Booster Gold's finest hour: "The Greatest Story Never Told."

Choosing to be a superhero, is an inherently noble act. Donning a mask, risking your life and fighting a neverending battle is a thankless task which doesn't exactly pay the bills. And then there's Booster Gold. Unlike heroes who are motivated solely by grief or a better nature, Booster Gold is in it for the fame.

I don't agree with Bonthuys entire list (frankly, I consider "Clash" to be a terrible episode), but I can't deny that "The Greatest Story Never Told" is my favorite of the series. In showcasing the story of a side-lined b-list hero, the episode demonstrates that every character can be interesting and worthwhile. Knowing Booster Gold is on crowd control makes the entire DC Universe more interesting.

Of course, we can't discuss this show without offering a special thank you to episode writer Andrew Kreisberg. That the person responsible for Booster's best television moment is the same man partially responsible for shepherding the live-action DC Universe remains encouraging. At the very least, Kreisberg "gets" Booster Gold, and it seems likely that whenever Booster Gold does return to the small screen, he'll be exactly the character we expect him to be.

Meanwhile, how will Booster Gold's appearances on Justice League Action stand up against "The Greatest Story Never Told"? Let's hope for the best.

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Monday, July 20, 2015

Booster Gold Television Series Is a Zombie

Mike Cecchini spoke to Legends of Tomorrow executive producer Phil Klemmer at Comic Con, and somehow he got this quote:

"[Andrew Kriesberg's Booster Gold television series]'s not dead, but it is not..." [Klemmer] caught himself. "I don't know. But it's not dead."

To recap: SyFy optioned a Booster Gold pilot from writer Andrew Kriesberg and Berlanti Production back in 2011. There was a lot of back-and-forth about the status of the script, no pilot was ever ordered, then news about the status of the teased series dried up as first Arrow then Flash took off on the CW Network.

So what does this new information mean? Go check out the full article at and decide for yourself.

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Thursday, May 30, 2013

Heard It Through the Grapevine

When you put Captain America in a poll of fan favorites, there's a pretty good chance he's going to come in first. (Curt, just go ahead and pretend that General Glory won.)

Last week's poll question: Who is your favorite time-displaced hero in comics (besides Booster Gold)? (51 votes)

Who is your favorite time-displaced hero in comics (besides Booster Gold)?

It's been a busy week for Booster Gold fans. First Bleeding Cool breaks the news that DC is working on the Booster Gold volume 3 comic book. Then Andrew Kreisberg told @UniversoDC1 on Twitter that the latest pilot script for the Booster Gold television show is going to SyFy "next week." Big Booster Gold comic and TV news in one week? Whoo-hoo!

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