It has been 128 Days since Booster Gold last appeared in an in-continuity DCU comic book.

Showing posts 1 - 5 of 14 matching: time travel
Monday, January 13, 2020
This Day in History: Whole Lotta Time Travel
Are you old enough to remember what it was like to have Booster Gold regularly appearing in his own comic book series? If so, you probably remember reading Booster Gold #28.
In that issue, the reader is treated to scenes that take place in
- 1990, the unfortunate events leading to the creation of Cyborg Superman;
- 1993, the year Coast City was destroyed;
- 2010, the "present" day; and
- 2083, the future of experimental time travel Project Slipshift.
Not pictured is 2020, where we are now, exactly one decade since the release of that issue.
I didn't include it on my list of great Booster Gold comics, but in many ways, this is an ideal issue for any new fans interested in Booster's adventures and who are not yet indoctrinated into his (and DC's) history.
Everything is in here: Skeets, Rip Hunter, Michelle, Superman, the Justice League, time travel shenanigans, and of course, the Royal Flush Gang.
Booster will be back in the saddle again sooner or later. He could do much worse than the likes of Booster Gold #28.
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Thursday, October 9, 2014
I've Seen This Before
The way I see it, if you're going to steal a time machine, why not do it with some style?
Last week's poll question: Which time machine would you like to see Booster Gold "borrow" next? (65 votes)
This weeks' "news" that Booster Gold is will could one day appear on The Flash — there's already some discussion that one of the show's characters is Booster in disguise! — inspires me to ask a similar question to one I asked about Smallville back in 2011.
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Thursday, October 2, 2014
It's What Makes Time Travel Possible
The people have spoken. It's good to have you back, Booster.
Last week's poll question: What's your initial response to Booster Gold: Futures End #1? (71 votes)
Earlier this week, Jesster had a suggestion for the poll:
Which time machine do you think is the most famous?
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Thursday, June 12, 2014
Celebrating Our Hero
It looks like most of you aren't too upset that Booster Gold: Futures End won't feature the further adventures of Rani.
Last week's poll question: How do you feel about the focus being on Booster Gold in his FUTURES END one-shot? (57 votes)
Some of us run websites, some of us draw pictures. How do you express your affinity for Booster Gold?
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Thursday, June 5, 2014
Fighting the Future
Oh, Trixie Collins. Booster Gold wasn't good enough for you!
Last week's poll question: Who makes the best love interest for Booster Gold? (52 votes)
Yesterday we heard that Rip Hunter won't be part of September's Booster Gold: Futures End. Rip Hunter played no part in other big time-travel events, such as Armageddon 2001, Zero Hour, or Flashpoint. Should Futures End be any different?
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