It has been 130 Days since Booster Gold last appeared in an in-continuity DCU comic book.

Showing posts 1 - 5 of 16 matching: syfy
Wednesday, July 26, 2017
The Secret of Enjoyable Action
Some of you noted that Booster seemed slightly more ADHD than usual in his recent Justice League Action appearances. I attributed the behavior to the incredibly truncated running time of the episodes.
At Comic-Con International last weekend, the show's producer gave a slightly different explanation to SyFy Wire.
"The DNA is there of those characters," producer Jim Krieg said, "like Booster's a little bit of a dummy in the comics, and maybe we dial that up to 11. But everybody is sort of an exaggerated version of what they are in the comics. Actors get it immediately, and they ride that train to the end of the world."
(Wait a second. "Dial that up to 11." Was that a Spinal Tap reference?)
While I wouldn't call Booster a "dummy," it is true that he's not particularly concerned about what other people think of him (so long as they're thinking of him). And I'm certainly not going to complain so long as Justice League Action continues to be so much fun.
Keep up the good work, guys!
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Friday, September 9, 2016
Booster Gold Movie to Stand Alone
On Wednesday, Abraham Riesman reported the following for
"As of right now we have no connective tissue to those worlds," [Greg] Berlanti said when asked if the movie would be part of the DC Extended Universe that already includes Man of Steel, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, and Suicide Squad .... "It'd be a separate thing."
Berlanti also indicated that the movie is an extension of the Booster Gold TV show abandoned by the SyFy network in 2012. He gives credit to Geoff Johns for rolling that canceled project into a theatrical movie. Johns recently told the Wall Street Journal that he is trying to make the cinematic DC Universe less "gritty and dark." (I think I owe Geoff Johns a drink.)
Back to the original topic: the Booster Gold movie is currently planned to be a stand-alone story with no connection to the larger Warner Brothers cinematic DC Universe. Whether you think that is good news or bad news probably depends on whether you're one of the people who helped Batman v Superman make $872 million.
Let's find out where Booster boosters stand.
This week's poll question: How do you feel about the Booster Gold movie not taking place in the Warner Bros DC Extended Universe? Please visit the Boosterrific Polls page to view results for this week's poll.
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Friday, May 13, 2016
Booster Gold Movie Has New Writer?
There can be no more doubt about whether Warner Brothers is working on a Booster Gold movie. Yesterday, in an interview with Lacey Rose of the Hollywood Reporter, Legends of Tomorrow executive producer Greg Berlanti had this to say:
I'm attached to a few films [at Warner Bros.] now, and one, Booster Gold, is a DC property. Zack Stentz, who wrote an episode of Flash last year, just got the job, so he's writing the script now. I'd probably direct that, or I would want to.
Zack Stentz is perhaps better known as the writer of Thor and the new Power Rangers movie. I'm disappointed that Berlanti's associate Andrew Kreisberg, writer of Justice League Unlimited's "The Greatest Story Never Told" and SyFy's 2011 undeveloped Booster Gold television show, appears to be off the project, but I look forward to Stentz's take on our favorite hero.
(This interview confirms information first revealed earlier this week by
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Monday, July 20, 2015
Booster Gold Television Series Is a Zombie
Mike Cecchini spoke to Legends of Tomorrow executive producer Phil Klemmer at Comic Con, and somehow he got this quote:
"[Andrew Kriesberg's Booster Gold television series]'s not dead, but it is not..." [Klemmer] caught himself. "I don't know. But it's not dead."
To recap: SyFy optioned a Booster Gold pilot from writer Andrew Kriesberg and Berlanti Production back in 2011. There was a lot of back-and-forth about the status of the script, no pilot was ever ordered, then news about the status of the teased series dried up as first Arrow then Flash took off on the CW Network.
So what does this new information mean? Go check out the full article at and decide for yourself.
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Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Update on Booster Gold Television Show
For the occasion of tonight's Arrow season finale, Executive Producer of Arrow Andrew Kreisberg, who also happens to be the man behind the attempt to turn Booster Gold into a television show on the SyFy network, was interviewed by Craig Byrne of There's a bit of that interview very important to Booster Gold fans: So there's no chance the two shows [Arrow, Booster Gold] could exist in the same universe?
Kreisberg: There's always a possibility. There's a line in the Booster Gold pilot [script] where somebody says "we finally have our own hero. Not like that nut in Starling City with the hood." I don't know if they're going to let me keep that line over there, if they [Syfy] actually make the pilot, but it sort of makes me smile to think that it's the same universe.
Did you catch it? Here, let me emphasize the important part.
"...if they [SyFy] actually make the pilot...."
That's the man making the show admitting that he has no idea whether SyFy is still working on his show over a year after SyFy announced it. Draw your own conclusions about that.
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