Friday, June 21, 2019
Love the Ones You're With
Not so long ago, someone asked me if I could make a list of the best Booster Gold stories that weren't in Booster Gold or Justice League series. That was on my mind as I was compiling the Boosterrific list of "featured" stories I mentioned in Monday's post. The answer is: it's a short list.
3. Action Comics #933-998 (2018)
2. Countdown to Infinite Crisis #1 (2005)
1. 52 #1-52 (2006)
Almost every other great Booster Gold story takes place in his self-titled series or alongside his Justice League super friends. Which, let me emphasize, is not a bad thing.
My favorite Booster Gold comic is his first featured JLI appearance, Justice League #4. I always get a kick out of his misadventures on KooeyKooeyKooey with Blue Beetle in Justice League America #34 and as the field general of the Conglomerate in Justice League Quarterly #1. And what Booster booster doesn't love the work creator Dan Jurgens has done filling Michael Jon Carter's life with supporting characters like as Broderick, as seen in Booster Gold Volume 1, #18?
If you're looking for the best Booster Gold adventures outside the usual places, read the books I listed above. They're good, I promise. But please remember to enjoy Booster Gold wherever you find him. He rarely disappoints.
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