It has been 128 Days since Booster Gold last appeared in an in-continuity DCU comic book.

Showing posts 1 - 5 of 9 matching: talking booster gold
Friday, September 20, 2024
I'm Sure He Gave the Cops His Autograph
I had decided that I was going to buy Multiversus: Collision Detected #1 after I read the preview at over the weekend and saw Captain Carrot on the first page. Still, I was surprised when I walked into my Local Comic Shop on Wednesday and they had already pulled the issue for me.
Was it possible that they, too, had seen the Zoo Crew's fearless leader and recognized that he was high on the list of obscure DC characters I religiously follow? Actually, no. What they saw that told them I was an easy Multiversus mark was not on page 1 but page 17:
Words by Bryan Q. Miller; art by Jon Sommariva, Matt Herms, Marshall Dillon
That is not really a Booster Gold appearance, but it does merit a mention here on the Boosterrific Blog (and a worthy addition to my personal comic collection).
Big thanks to my Local Comic Shop for keeping an eye out for my peculiar tastes. That's good Capitalism!
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Friday, August 9, 2024
Canceled Again
Earlier this week, DC released the 11th and final issue of Blue Beetle volume 5 (or, if you're inclined to count Fox and Charlton's Blue Beetle titles before DC bought the character, volume 10).
To their credit, the creative team of the latest book bends over backwards to try to tie up all their loose ends while still leaving room for future growth. (In fact, it reminds me a little bit of Booster Gold Volume 1 #25.)
Most of the issue is spent with Jaime Reyes' supporting cast, including Ted and Victoria Kord, who manage to squeeze in a Booster Gold reference!
written by Josh Trujillo; art Adrian Gutierrez, Will Quintana, Lucas Gattoni; edited by Andrew Marino, Katie Kubert
Could this really be the last we'll see (or hear) of Ted's sister, a character absent from all 9 previous Blue Beetle volumes?[1] Only time -- and the inevitable eleventh volume of Blue Beetle -- will tell.
Thanks to BlueRedGold for making sure everyone saw this.
[1]Victoria Kord first appeared in a DC Comic book in Blue Beetle: Graduation Day #2[2], released in December 2022. Graduation Day was a six-issue mini-series whose creative team would carry over to this latest volume of Blue Beetle.
[2]Although Graduation Day was published months prior to the release of the Blue Beetle movie (which debuted in August 2023), the character of Victoria Kord was originally created by that movie's writers, Gareth Dunnet-Alcocer and Gary Dauberman. She was played by Susan Sarandon.
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Friday, July 26, 2024
If It Ain't Broke
To make Google happy, I've been tinkering under the hood here at to change how news items are retrieved and archived. If all goes well, this should only result in some changed URLs, and the average site visitor will never notice any difference. If anyone finds anything broken, please let me know, but "I'm not expecting any trouble" are some pretty good last words. (Just ask CrowdStrike.)
Meanwhile, as a good test case for new blog posts going forward, Booster booster J has found a new "Booster Gold" appearance in a comic that isn't already in the Boosterrific Database.
I'm currently reading Volume 2 of The Flash, from 1987. I just wanted to point out that on the very last page of The Flash, Vol. 2 #2, Booster's name (together with the DC Comics logo) is advertised (in-universe!) on the side of a truck.
Here is that panel in particular, taken from The Flash: Savage Velocity collected edition:
written by Mike Baron; art by Jackson Guice, Larry Mahlstedt, Carl Gafford, Steve Haynie; edited by Mike Gold
The reason this book does not appear in the Boosterrific Database is because the character of Booster Gold himself does not appear in this issue. But cases like this are a key reason why the Boosterrific Blog exists. I even have a banner and tag for it:
I do not think I had posted about this before, but that's one of the reasons I'm trying to make the news archive more Google-friendly. Sometimes it's hard for even the archivist to find information buried in the dusty virtual bookshelves in Booster Cave! In any case, I have definitely blogged about it now, thanks to J.
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Friday, May 3, 2024
New Release: DC's Spring Breakout!
Booster Gold does not appear in this week's DC's Spring Breakout! one-shot, but that's apparently only because he was too anxious to hit the waves.
This is the first panel of the fourth page in the anthology's fourth story, "The Day the Robot Danced":
words by James Reid, letters by Josh Reed
Hmm. A signed surfboard would be hard to frame and hang on the wall in my office, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't like to try.
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Wednesday, June 8, 2022
New Release: Flashpoint Beyond 2
Booster booster J's emails are usually in regards to the many, many typographical and grammatical errors on this site. (I'll take all the help I can get, J. Thanks!) But the message in my inbox today was to let me know that Booster Gold gets a shout-out in this week's Flashpoint Beyond #2.
And here it is, from page 2:
words by Geoff Johns, Tim Sheridan, Jeremy Adams; art by Xermanico, Romulo Fajardo Jr, Rob Leigh
For the record, the rule here at is that we track all Booster Gold comic book visual appearances but not text-only dialogue references, much less the expositional internal monologue of a murderous Dr. Batman. (Back in the day, this name drop would be inside a bubbled thought balloon!)
Therefore, Flashpoint Beyond #2 will not be added to the Boosterrific Database, and this blog post will be the only place on the site you'll see it.
If that bothers you, I recommend that you get to your Local Comic Shop and pick up your own copy of Flashpoint Beyond #2, just like I did. A compulsive collector's job is never done!
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