It has been 130 Days since Booster Gold last appeared in an in-continuity DCU comic book.

Showing posts 1 - 5 of 13 matching: april fools
Monday, April 1, 2024
New Release: Comic Book Creator 34
The TwoMorrows website says that the Spring 2024 issue of Comic Book Creator will be released on April 10, but my issue arrived in my mailbox late last week. That may be because I ordered it as soon as it was announced that the issue's feature interview would be with Booster Gold creator Dan Jurgens!
And what a great long-form interview it is! Over the course of 33 pages, interviewer Greg Biga asks Dan about his entire career, from his early days breaking into the business working on Mike Grell's Warlord through his experiences working on characters like Flash Gordon, Spider-Man, Thor, and, of course, lots of Superman.
The interview reveals some great information that will delight Jurgens fans, including some trivia nuggets even I had never heard before. From page 57:
CBC: I'm going to skip past asking the questions you've heard a thousand times, and circle back to do follow-up questions on "Death of Superman." With that story having happened, with "Funeral for a Friend," was one of the main reasons behind that to show how relevant this character of light and hope was?
Dan: That's going to be something of a long answer and, for part of it, we do have to come back to the overall discussion of "Death of Superman" a little bit. For some time, I'd had in the back of my mind that I could make a big adventure story out of killing off a title character and investigating how his absence affects his friends, family, and the people who rely on him.
By the way, I first thought of the idea when I was working on Booster Gold. Booster wasn't like any of the other characters in the DC Universe at the time, and the book was struggling to find an audience. Readers seemed to think Booster was a jerk. That's why I introduced his twin sister, Michelle. That way I could kill off Booster but we could keep the book going as Michelle stepped into her brother's role playing a somewhat more conventional hero while we explored what Booster had gotten right and wrong. Kind of an evil twin, good twin scenario. I was going to retitle it Busty Gold.
I wish I'd know that during Women's History Month! Can you imagine "good twin" Michelle taking Booster's place in the Justice League International?
For more gold nuggets like these, be sure to pick up your own copy of Comic Book Creator #34 at
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Friday, March 31, 2023
Pardon Our Progress
DC Bonus Book (published in Justice League International #18)
I'm doing a little housecleaning over the weekend behind the scenes here at, so please be patient if anything goes awry.
UPDATE April 2: Everything is fixed now, so hopefully you'll never see those ancient cached pages with their early-Internet ASCII images ever again.
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Wednesday, June 15, 2022
Cleaning Out The File Cabinet
Today is a slow news day, so I'll take this opportunity to clean out my "images to post" folder and share this Special Director's Cutâ„¢ panel that didn't make the final edit in my annual April Fools Day post.
Booster Gold #2 (1986)
Yeah, that probably deserved to stay on the cutting room floor. Oh well. They can't all be winners, can they, CW?
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Friday, April 1, 2022
I Warned You About This, Kid
Booster Gold tells us he's from the future, and we believe him because that's the kind of nice, trusting fans we are. But if he was really from the future, he should be able to prove it, right? He could accurately predict an earthquake or tell us who wins next year's World Series or, at the very least, give us a hint about what the popular toy will be far enough in advance of Christmas that we can get one before it sells out.
That said, maybe Booster *has* told us about the future, and we didn't understand. After all, sometimes you don't know what you're looking for until you've already passed it.
Here are five instances from DC Comics where, in retrospect, future-boy Booster Gold prophesized coming events:
1. The True Value of Toilet Paper
Justice League America #89 (1994)
It seems like a frivolous joke, but if COVID has taught us nothing else, it's that toilet paper is really the first thing to go.
2. Air Rage
Justice League International #9 (1988)
When I first read this as a kid, I assumed it was one of those adult references that went over my head. Now that I know better, it's funny because it's true.
3. Legends of Tomorrow
Justice League Spectacular #1 (1992)
What, you were thinking George Clooney? St. Elsewhere is *still* great television.
4. The Rise of Non-Fungible Tokens
Booster Gold #1 (1986)
Internet salesmen want you to think that NFTs are new, but they have definitely been around for a while.
5. Being a Real Man
Justice League #4 (1987)
In hindsight, this one seems weirdly specific.
The future is a very strange place indeed.
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Thursday, April 1, 2021
The prolonged Internet outage earlier this week has me rethinking the way I do things here at
As you know, I don't normally post on Thursdays. But I wanted to post as soon as I was able on Tuesday, and I didn't want to crowd that with a new post, so I waited to follow up until today. Two days a week seems an appropriate posting pace for the amount of new Booster Gold news we've had lately, and I think from now on, Tuesday and Thursday are going to be the new posting schedule.
While I'm at it, it seems like a good time to go ahead and change a few other things.
It's been bothering me lately how I've chosen to manage continuities. In the wake of Infinite Frontier and Generations: Forged, it seems that there are no longer individual continuities in the DCU, but a single, unified continuity. So from now on — or at least until DC changes things again — all separate continuities will be combined into a single stream. That's right, now considers every Booster Gold appearance to be canon.
Also, I've decided that the way I handle images on the site is a little old-fashioned. Rather than using smaller static images originally designed to pass easily through dial-up connections, it's time to start moving to a more modern, full motion video format that's so popular with today's broadband audiences. These videos have the additional benefit of audio tracks, which I will be able to release as podcasts, as is all the rage.
But that's not the only concession I will be making for the modern Internet generation. It's well past time I finally embraced the emoji. In order to make this site more inclusive to fans of all ages, all written content will be composed entirely of emoji pictographs from this point onward!
🙠👩â€ðŸ‘©â€ðŸ‘¦â€ðŸ‘¦ â¤ï¸ 🆕 ✨!
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