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Wonder Woman


Volume 6, Issue 13, November 2024
Released September 18, 2024

Cover Price: $4.99 Rating
  • Currently 3.0/5 Stars.

Wonder Woman, Vol. 6, #13. Image © DC Comics



Writer: Tom King
Artist: Tony Daniel
Colorist: Leonardo Paciarotti
Assistant Editor: Chris Rosa
Editors: Brittany Holzherr, Paul Kaminski
Cover Artists: Tony Daniel, Marcelo Maiolo

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Cover Description: Wonder Woman charges forward, leading a group of heroes including Booster Gold in a jailbreak.

Brief Synopsis: Wonder Woman, Damian, and Steve Trevor break heroes out of Amanda Waller's prison on the Island of Gamorra.

Booster Gold's role in this story:
Cameo (Booster Gold makes a minor appearance)

Costume Worn: MARK I.v2 power-suit

Issue Notes: Absolute Power tie-in. Events in this issue take place after Absolute Power #3.

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Image Copyright DC Comics

Page 19, panel 1
POWER DOWN: Booster Gold and Hawkgirl are seen among many jailed de-powered heroes Wonder Woman, Steve Trevor, and Damian Wayne are leading in a breakout of Amanda Waller's black site prison on Gamorra Island. Many more heroes have been seen captured by Waller in other issues of Absolute Power and its tie-ins than are seen on panel here, and, for what it's worth, Booster Gold has never previously been depicted as one of Waller's prisoners. Booster was last seen in the Fortress of Solitude when Waller's forces attacked in Absolute Power #2; although some heroes (like Blue Beetle) clearly escaped that assault (as revealed in Absolute Power #3), this issue suggests Booster was not so lucky. This is Booster Gold's only appearance in this issue.

Page 21, panel 4
Despite being a hero first introduced in All Star Comics #8 in 1940 and never having any super powers for Amanda Waller to steal (the exact mechanics of which remain vague), Steve Trevor has avoided all the fighting. Which is fine. Whatever, Steve. I'm sure you had your reasons for letting the de-powered Wonder Woman face that firing squad instead. What's more important is that this is the first time that Booster Gold and Steve Trevor have been in the same place at the same time (though not on the same panel).

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Boosterrific Review: First things first: it's a competently written and illustrated American superhero comic book, hence the average rating. However, I want to rate it lower. I don't like having paid $5 for the minimal amount of story in this issue, a story which is very little more than an unnecessary added sidebar to the ongoing Absolute Power event. (The heroes went to prison off panel just so that they could be rescued here? Pointless.) Call it "crossover fatigue" if you want to, but my tolerance for this sort of story padding isn't what it was back when event tie-in issues only cost a buck or two. Grump, grump.

Boosterrific Rating:

  • Currently 3.0/5 Stars.
Gold Standard.

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