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It has been 130 Days since Booster Gold last appeared in an in-continuity DCU comic book.

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Showing posts 1 - 4 of 4 matching: thehappysorceress

Monday, March 1, 2021

I'm Your Huckleberry

I've got a few things I want to say about Generations Forged, but I'm waiting until it's been out for at least a week so that I don't accidentally spoil anything for anyone. To a lesser extent, the same goes for Future State: Suicide Squad #2 too.

While we pass the time, let's all reminisce about that time Booster Gold travelled back to the Old West to match his fingergun draw speed against DC's Western hero, Nighthawk (and his partner, Cinnamon), an event immortalized in this old-timey long exposure photograph:

Doc Shaner commission by the Happy Sorceress via
It looks improvised, but Booster had to hold that pose for 20 seconds!

Okay, so that's not a hundred-year-old sepia-toned photo but a commission from the incomparable Doc Shaner for Booster art collector The Happy Sorceress, recently shared via

Photo or drawing, I'm sure you agree that whatever it is, it's Boosterrific!

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Wednesday, October 22, 2014

You Gotta Admit It's an Entertaining Movie

I bookmarked this image back in August, but I thought it was even more appropriate after Warner Brothers' announcement of their movie plans through 2020.

Booster Gold by MadMatt138

Guardians of the Galaxy had passed the $200 million mark by its third week of domestic release. It's now the highest grossing movie of 2014, and counting the foreign market has taken in over $730 million so far. Pretty good for a movie about a bunch of comic book characters no one had ever heard of, huh?

This piece is by MadMatt138, and comes to us by way of The Happy Sorceress. You can find more of MadMatt138 at

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Friday, December 27, 2013


I've posted art by Canaan Grall before, but when his Booster Gold looks this good, you can't stop at just one.

Booster Gold fist bump by Caanan Grall

I found the above image by Caanan Grall at The Happy Sorceress. You can find more of Grall's work (and commission some of your own) on Occasional Comics Disorder or at his pages on Deviant Art.

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Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The Shirt Off Their Backs

What do super heroes do in their down time? Same as you and me, I expect. They kick back and play some games with their friends.

Poker Night commission by Caanan Grall

Of course the ladies are winning: Zatanna never plays fair!

The above image of Poker Night in Gotham (between Zatanna, Black Canary, and Lady Blackhawk versus Hal Jordan, Nightwing, and Booster Gold) was commissioned from Caanan Grall for The Happy Sorceress. You can find more of Grall's work (and commission some of your own) on Occasional Comics Disorder or at his pages on Deviant Art. (Check out Grall's Deviant Art gallery for a clever Weekend at Bernie's visual gag featuring everyone's favorite dead Blue Beetle.)

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