It has been 131 Days since Booster Gold last appeared in an in-continuity DCU comic book.

Monday, March 1, 2021
I'm Your Huckleberry
I've got a few things I want to say about Generations Forged, but I'm waiting until it's been out for at least a week so that I don't accidentally spoil anything for anyone. To a lesser extent, the same goes for Future State: Suicide Squad #2 too.
While we pass the time, let's all reminisce about that time Booster Gold travelled back to the Old West to match his fingergun draw speed against DC's Western hero, Nighthawk (and his partner, Cinnamon), an event immortalized in this old-timey long exposure photograph:
It looks improvised, but Booster had to hold that pose for 20 seconds!
Okay, so that's not a hundred-year-old sepia-toned photo but a commission from the incomparable Doc Shaner for Booster art collector The Happy Sorceress, recently shared via
Photo or drawing, I'm sure you agree that whatever it is, it's Boosterrific!
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