It has been 108 Days since Booster Gold last appeared in an in-continuity DCU comic book.
Showing posts 1 - 5 of 13 matching: thanksgiving
Thursday, November 28, 2024
Good Eating Mr. President!
It has become an annual tradition for the President of the United States to "pardon" a turkey for Thanksgiving. Technically, a pardon is a legal forgiveness for having committing a crime, so the word really shouldn't apply to turkeys. We should say that they were granted clemency because they didn't do anything illegal prior to the imposition of their death sentence.
But what if they did?
Although Abraham Lincoln often gets the credit, the truth is that in November 1963, John Kennedy was the first president to pardon an unnamed turkey. "The turkey will probably live a long and happy life as a result of his presidential pardon," reported the Associated Press. Only, as we now know, it didn't.
As it turns out, The Turkey With No Name would soon be given a name: Patient Zero. After the turkey returned to its home in California, it was discovered the turkey was a carrier of the virus then known as "fowl plague." Today we recognize it as influenza A, more commonly called bird flu.
Bird flu is highly contagious and has been responsible for crossing species and killing millions of human beings around the world. In 1963, there was no treatment for the disease, and the only way to prevent the spread was to take swift and decisive action and cull entire flocks of birds... and anyone else who had contact with the infected fowl, including the popular President of the United States. (To prevent public panic over a potential pandemic, such extreme actions were undertaken surreptitiously with suspicion cast on convenient scapegoats.)
Any well-intentioned time travelers aware of this terrible and sordid chain of events might be tempted to take it upon themselves to "improve" history by going back in time and killing the turkey before it could trigger such a tragic spiral. However, as we all know, changing history can have dire unintended consequences. Ensuring that history plays out the way it must is the lonely but necessary job of a Time Cop, preferably one with a force field impenetrable to disease.
Thanks for performing your thankless job, Booster Gold!
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Thursday, November 28, 2019
Happy Thanksgiving
Enjoy your holiday, everybody.
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Thursday, November 24, 2016
Free Kindle Books for Thanksfiving
If you're a Kindle reader looking for a way to kill some time this Thanksgiving, I've got a present for you.
Until November 26, you can download digital copies of my second and third books for free from
Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Black Friday, everybody.
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Thursday, November 26, 2015
Giving Thanks for 30 Years of Booster Gold
No new post until Monday. Enjoy your holiday.
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Thursday, November 27, 2014
Return of the Kings (of Comedy)
You may have noticed that the red counter has reappeared at the top of this site. Hey, DC, why must we go so long between Booster Gold appearances?
Last week's poll question: What do Booster Gold fans have to give thanks for in 2014? (57 votes)
It has been my experience that the biggest fans of Booster Gold's solo series aren't as enthusiastic about the JLI comedy twosome of Blue and Gold. Does that trend continue?
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