It has been 128 Days since Booster Gold last appeared in an in-continuity DCU comic book.

Showing posts 1 - 3 of 3 matching: superpat
Monday, April 23, 2018
Meanwhile in the Funny Pages
While I was busy getting my pantaloons in a bunch last week over Batman #45, Booster Gold sneaked his way into 3 — count 'em, 3! — other comic books.
1. Booster was a small face in a crowd of well-wishers in Action Comics #1000, courtesy none other than Dan Jurgens. (SuperPat pointed this out in the comments last Wednesday.)
Three cheers for Superman!
2. Booster had a slightly larger part alongside Blue Beetle in Injustice 2 #24. This one we knew was coming. I originally mentioned it when it was published digitally at the start of last month. Booster has been showing up quite a bit in the Injustice 2 as of late, with more appearances coming soon.
Booster's mom should wash his mouth out with soap.
3. However, I had no idea bout Booster's appearance in Mister Miracle #8 until Shawn slipped notification into Friday's comments. Booster doesn't appear in person, but his face is on one of the many, many shuperhero t-shirts that Scott Free wears throughout the issue.
Who knew Mister Miracle a fan club member?
Whew! Four issues in one week ties a record! (Can we go for five, DC?)
So no matter how Booster boosters feel about Batman #45, we can't be disappointed that it was the only place for us to find our hero last week. Booster Gold is everywhere in April 2018!
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Wednesday, November 22, 2017
New Release: Action Comics 992
DC is being generous to Booster Gold fans in 2018. The company released February solicitation earlier this week, and it looks like the "Booster Shot" story teaming Superman and Booster Gold in Action Comics will be running for at least three more months. Via
Written by DAN JURGENS
Variant cover by FRANCIS MANAPUL
"BOOSTER SHOT" part five! Superman and Booster Gold are stranded in time on a world ruled by not one but two Generals Zod! As Lor-Zod asserts himself as rightful heir to the military dictatorship of their adopted homeworld, Old Man Zod turns his attention to the interlopers from the past. Our heroes' only hope of survival is to repair their craft and get home—but to do that, they'll need to travel into the belly of beast!
On sale FEBRUARY 14 • $2.99 USACTION COMICS #998
Written by DAN JURGENS
Variant cover by FRANCIS MANAPUL
"BOOSTER SHOT" part six! Escape from Planet Zod! Superman and Booster Gold must escape to travel back to the present, where the life of the captured Sam Lane hangs in the balance! On sale FEBRUARY 28 • $2.99 US
(Point of grammar: "Zod" is his name, not his title. Therefore, if there are multiple Zods, they should be pluralized as such. Unless maybe they follow different rules of grammar on Krypton. Dictators do whatever they want to.)
I admit, six issues of "Booster Shot" is much more than I thought we would get, especially in the run up to the big Action Comics #1000. Russ Burlingame recently interviewed Dan Jurgens for, and he got the story why Booster is getting such a spotlight:
"[Geoff Johns and I] had plotted out the end of the Oz storyline and wanted to do a couple of things after that," at the start of the Rebirth era, Jurgens told "One of which was 'The Oz Effect.' It's pretty heavy stuff. We wanted to lighten it up a bit and at the same time have it be a logical progression from Oz to this. So, bringing Booster into it was going to accomplish both goals and so far it's working out quite well."
"Booster Shot" sure sounds like a story everyone should be reading. And it's starting early.
Today's issue of Action Comics #992, though not technically part of the "Booster Shot" storyline, concludes with a tease of the Booster Gold story to come. So take note, Booster boosters. If you want in on the ground floor of "Booster Shot," hustle to your Local Comic Shop before indulging in tomorrow's turkey feast!
(Thanks to SuperPat for that tip.)
Enjoy your Thanksgiving, everybody.
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Thursday, April 7, 2011
Let's Just Blame It on the Internet
Technical difficulties are slowing my internet access to a crawl this morning, so I will limit today's blog post to a notice that Booster Gold does indeed appear in this weeks' very disappointing Justice League of America 80-Page Giant 2011, which has been added to the Boosterrific database. I was surprised to hear from SuperPat yesterday that Booster was included in the one-shot, so I rushed out and read it so that you don't have to. Sad to say, it's not very good. (It's not Extreme Justice bad, but then Extreme Justice never cost $5.99 an issue.) Read at your own risk.
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